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When The Gods Speak, How Do We Listen?

A person meditates in a colorful, intricate geometric pattern. Light beams from above, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere.

The Gods do not speak in plain language; they speak in symbols, in whispers that stir something deep within us. Their voices rise in the spaces between words, in the synchronicities that catch our breath, in the patterns we recognise but cannot quite explain. They do not demand; they invite. And to hear them, we must learn the art of listening, not with our ears, but with our Souls.

The Gods Put the Soul First

When we put the Soul first, we create space for Spirit to come through. The Soul, with its deep, ancient knowing, is our bridge to the unseen. The Soul understands the language of symbols because it is a symbol, of our eternal nature, our journey through lifetimes, our unfolding into wholeness. Spirit, the divine spark, moves through us most freely when we honour the Soul’s needs: depth, connection, meaning and purpose. When we nourish the Soul, we sharpen our ability to perceive The Gods whispers in our lives.

How Do the Gods Speak?

They move through the poetry of existence, through the language of the sky, through the quiet nudge of intuition. The mistake we often make is expecting them to announce themselves with certainty, with clarity. But The Gods are subtle. They prefer to make us feel something rather than tell us outright. They trust us to piece it together, to recognise the truth when we see it reflected back at us.

They speak in layered symbols, and that’s what makes it such a rich language for understanding ourselves. A birth chart isn’t a set of instructions; it’s a collection of symbols that resonate differently at different times in our lives. The Gods don’t dictate, They don’t direct, They offer symbols, and it’s up to us to interpret and integrate them.

What is a Symbol?

The word symbol comes from the Greek symbolon (σύμβολον), which originally meant a token or mark of recognition. It was derived from symballein (συμβάλλειν), meaning "to throw together" (syn = together + ballein = to throw). In ancient Greece, a symbolon was often a physical object, like a broken piece of pottery or a coin, that two parties each held a part of, allowing them to verify their connection when reunited.

A symbol is a meaningful perception of something. It is what it is, and it is something more than what it is. A black cat crossing your path is not just a cat; it is a moment pregnant with meaning, shaped by the stories we carry. A dream is not just a dream; it is a conversation between your conscious self and the unseen world.

A symbol isn’t just a representation; it’s a doorway to deeper understanding. It doesn’t explain, it invites us into contemplation. It doesn’t explain - it resonates.

A symbol is many things at once. It holds paradox. It asks us to engage with it, not as a puzzle to be solved but as a mystery to be experienced.

Take Venus, for example. Her glyph (♀) is often said to represent a mirror, connecting her to beauty, attraction, and reflection. But it’s also the shape of a seedling pushing upward; Venus as the force of growth, desire, and creation. Symbols aren’t fixed; they unfold. They “throw together” ideas, inviting us to see what emerges in the space between. They connect us to the mystery, to what's beyond, and they unite us with the eternal part of ourselves; the part that has always been, and will continue to be, so that we can remember who we are, and why we're here.

A symbol is something that brings together two things; an object or sign and the deeper meaning it represents.

How Can We Hear Their Divine Whisperings in Our Everyday Lives?

A colorful superhero with a yellow cape flies across a starry blue sky above a stylized mountain, evoking a sense of adventure.
Peter Max’s Dazzling Cosmic Astrologicalendar – 1970

  • Through synchronicity. When something aligns so perfectly that it feels impossible to be coincidence, pause. A song on the radio that speaks to exactly what you’re feeling. A book falling open to the words you needed to read. A number pattern that keeps appearing. A word or phrase that you keep running into. An animal or bird that gives you a nod as it crosses your path. The Gods nudge us with moments that make us stop and wonder.

  • Through astrology. Above is Their great manuscript, Their cosmic poetry. The Gods, and the conversations between The Gods, reflect to us below where we are in the great unfolding of our own story.

    As above, so below.

    When Saturn tightens His grip, we feel it in our bones. When Venus dances with Jupiter, we feel our hearts expand. Astrology helps us hear Them more clearly, giving shape to Their whispers. It even shows up in the small things; slicing your finger and restricting your dinner preparations when Mars and Saturn are having a tense conversation, or a productive morning where clarity flows as Mercury meets the heart of The Sun. Even down to an out there random conversation about alien landings with the checkout clerk in the supermarket when the Moon is in Aquarius speaking to Uranus.

  • Through the body. Intuition speaks through sensation. A chill down your spine, a tightness in your chest, a deep sense of knowing in your gut - these are not random. They are messages, signs that something within you is recognising a deeper truth.

  • Through dreams. The Gods are unfiltered in dreams. They appear in archetypes, in landscapes that do not obey the laws of waking life. A dream about a house you’ve never seen, a conversation with someone who has passed, an animal that seems to hold a secret - these are messages wrapped in metaphor.

  • Through emotion. When something stirs you, whether it be a piece of music, a painting, a passage in a book, it is because it is speaking a truth your Soul recognises. Pay attention to what moves you; that is where The Gods are whispering.

The Gods are always speaking. The question is, are we listening?


Real-Life Examples: A Dream of Strength, Guidance, and Transformation

On 27/09/23, I dreamed a dream:

I was in a village hall filled with strong, bare-chested, muscly men. They were all familiar to me, yet I didn’t know them in waking life. We were gathered for a purpose, like a project meeting, and they were assisting me. They dispersed in two directions to complete tasks. I assumed I should go with the ones unfamiliar with the area, but a woman insisted we were going another way. She rode off on a white horse, and after a moments hesitation, I ran after her.

I arrived at a cul-de-sac where she was waiting. Ahead of us lay a grassy bridge, beyond it a huge ancient tree with a thick, powerful trunk. I paused to admire its beauty, feeling grateful for this path. As we crossed the bridge, I noticed the ground was covered in snakes, some small, some enormous, their bodies half-buried in the grass. They were not a threat, but they commanded respect, I was careful not to step on them. As we walked we spoke about a story of a great snake (The great snake), and I sensed its presence beneath the earth.

Realising this dream was significant and rich with symbols, I realised I should wake up and write it down. Bleary eyed, I pulled myself up and wrote about it in pencil, in a notebook that was on a small wooden table beside my bed. Then I woke up (for real this time) and wrote it in the notes app on my phone.

Interpreting the Symbols:

  • The Muscular Men: Strength, vitality, and a connection to my own power. They represent parts of me that are active and capable, working together towards something meaningful.

  • The Woman on the White Horse: A white horse symbolises purity, spiritual awakening, and the power of destiny, embodying both freedom and divine guidance as it moves between the seen and unseen realms. A wise guide, perhaps an aspect of my higher self, leading me towards a path I wouldn’t have chosen instinctively.

  • The Tree: Resilience, wisdom, and the connection between past, present, and future; it stands as a bridge between worlds, a guardian of knowledge, and a reminder of growth, transformation, and the enduring nature of life.

  • The Snakes: Transformation, knowledge, and renewal. Snakes are often seen as messengers of the unconscious, indicating healing, wisdom, and change. Their presence suggests that I am stepping into a phase of growth where I must navigate transformation carefully but with courage.

This dream speaks to a moment in my life when I was being called to trust my path, embrace transformation, and honour both my strength and my ability to follow guidance when it appears. The Gods spoke in symbols, and by paying attention, I could hear their message.

The more we notice these signs, the clearer the dialogue becomes.

The Gods are speaking; are we listening?

Today - 9/2/2025 – Mercury in the heart of The Sun:

Today I shared some writing that’s quite personal, I told the world my ultimate desires and my idea of purpose through some quirky writing in which I imagined I was Venus, telling my readers all about me with my birth chart as the backdrop.

I wasn’t hyper aware of the location of The Gods, or the conversations They were having. I looked afterwards, and it made perfect sense that today was the day I did this.

Mercury being in the heart of the Sun signifies clarity, illumination, and the moment when the messenger aligns perfectly with divine will. Without consciously planning it, I stepped into this cosmic rhythm, I spoke my truth, I shared my thoughts, and I offered a glimpse of my inner world. It was a moment of revelation; of feeling seen and allowing myself to be seen. The Gods were speaking through action, through an impulse that found its perfect moment.

This is how astrology works from my perspective, not as a force that compels, but as a mirror that reflects the unfolding of meaning in real-time. When we look back, we see the pattern, the divine choreography of it all.

The Gods are speaking. Let's listen.

White butterfly with brown spots on a light background. Quote: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life."

The Gods are always speaking - through symbols, synchronicities, and the patterns woven into your life. Are you ready to start listening? A reading can help you unfold your own symbols, decode the messages meant for you, and open the door to your personal mystery.

A note on AI & my writing:

I use ChatGPT as a writing assistant—not as a writer. These are my thoughts, ideas, and words, shaped by my lived experience and deep love for self-work, self-awareness, the spiritual journey, and astrology. AI helps me refine, structure, and occasionally nudge me toward better phrasing, but the voice you’re reading is mine. I use it as a tool to help me put into words everything I believe is valuable in sharing my insights. Honesty matters to me, and this is simply one way I bring my thoughts to life.


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