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What is the difference between a twin flame runner and an unrequited love? What if the "twin flame runner" simply doesn't want me anymore and I'm delusional?

Finding this truth within yourself and answering this question is the biggest challenge of the twin flame journey in my opinion. And how you feel about it can change from one moment to the next. Am I crazy? Is what I can ‘see’ in this reality real or is what I feel, what I ‘see’ in my heart real? It’s categorised by an awful lot of wtf moments.

At the very beginning of my journey, now seven ago, when this mind-blowing, ultimate connection I’d found and shared had stated clearly that they weren’t interested in a relationship with me, when I learned of the twin flame concept, I came across this truth:

If you think you’re on a twin flame path and you’ve met your twin flame then you probably have.

It is a crazy journey. And feeling crazy and navigating through all that is a massive part of it.

My advice, having traversed all that and come out the other side, would be to try your hardest to trust in yourself and what you’re feeling. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. You have fallen in love with this person. If you can heal what they’re showing you you need to heal, if you can reflect the love you feel for them onto yourself, then you’ll either transform yourself and them (if they’re your twin they share your energy) into someone capable of a divine and sacred love or you’ll attract the person who you are destined to share the journey of love with. Either way it’s a win win. When love is the final destination, follow that path to the end and you can’t lose.

Two burning candles
Twin Flames


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