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The Sun in Aquarius: January 20th to February 18th

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde

A person with the head of a butterfly holding a flower
Aquarius Season

The Sun’s journey through the zodiac marks the changing seasons, each bringing its own lessons and energy. When the Sun moves into a new sign, it’s like a shift in the cosmic weather, something we can feel in our lives, whether we’re aware of it or not.

Welcome to Aquarius Season

From approximately January 20th to February 18th, the Sun moves through the sign of Aquarius, bringing with it a season of innovation, rebellion, and forward-thinking energy. It’s a time when the light is rising from the depths of winter, but we’re not quite in the warmth of spring yet. It’s a season of contrasts; of rebellion and tradition, of progress and preservation, of outsiders and visionaries. This is the fixed, yang, air temple of Saturn, and like all things Saturnian, it has a job to do, one that often involves questioning, innovating, and pushing beyond the boundaries of what we think is possible.

"You change the world by being yourself." - Yoko Ono

The Water-Pourer and the Bringer of Change

Aquarius is a sign that often gets misunderstood. People hear “Water-Pourer” and assume it’s a water sign, but this is solid, structured air; the breath that carries ideas far and wide. Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, governs time, rules, and structure, but here in its airy temple, there’s a twist, Saturn’s work is about seeing beyond what is and asking, “What could be?”

In Aquarius season, we are caught between two worlds: the past and the future. This is why you’ll see Aquarian energy manifest as both the keeper of the status quo and the radical who tears it all down. It’s the CEO in a power suit and the anarchist in the street; the nostalgic yearning for a golden past and the revolutionary hunger for a utopian future.

Aquarius is the one who looks at the world and says, “We can do better.” And then does something about it.

The Energy of Aquarius Season: Where Do You Fit In?

As the Sun moves through Aquarius, we’re invited to tune in to this energy.

Where in your life are you holding onto the past? And where are you being called to envision something new?

This season asks you to notice where you feel like an outsider, and instead of seeing it as a weakness, recognise it as a strength. The greatest changes come from those who refuse to fit neatly into the mould. If you feel like you don’t belong, maybe you’re here to build something where you do.

Aquarius is also a sign of community - popularity isn’t just about personal charm; it’s about influence. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are they pushing you forward or holding you back? If you want to thrive in Aquarius season, seek out your people, the ones who share your ideals and challenge you to think bigger.

Working with Aquarius Energy

This is the perfect time to set long-term goals, especially those that push you beyond your comfort zone. Think big, but ground your vision in something tangible. Saturn rewards effort, not just wishful thinking. If you’ve been feeling stuck in an old pattern, use this season to break free.

Innovation isn’t just about technology; it’s about mindset.

Challenges? Oh, there will be some. The shadow side of Aquarius can be cold, detached, and rigid in its ideals. Be mindful of where you’re so focused on the future that you forget to live in the present. Be wary of seeing yourself as the one with all the answers - progress happens through collaboration, not just rebellion.

How Aquarius Season Affects You – By Rising Sign

The 12 houses of the wheel in Traditional Astrology
Ancient House Topics

Everyone will experience Aquarius season in a unique way based on your rising sign. Your rising sign determines which house Aquarius lights up for you, influencing different areas of life.

Here’s a quick guide:

Aries Rising – Aquarius energises your 11th house of community and future vision. Seek out like-minded people and collaborate on a bigger goal. Challenge: Avoid isolating yourself in your independence.

♉ Taurus Rising – The Sun moves through your 10th house of career and reputation. This is your time to be seen! Challenge: Don’t resist change just because it feels unfamiliar.

♊ Gemini Rising – The 9th house of wisdom, travel, and philosophy is activated. Expand your horizons through learning or exploration. Challenge: Don’t overthink; take action.

♋ Cancer Rising – Your 8th house of transformation and deep psychological work is highlighted. Embrace change rather than fear it. Challenge: Let go of control and trust the process.

♌ Leo Rising – Relationships take centre stage as Aquarius energises your 7th house. Reflect on your partnerships and how they serve your growth. Challenge: Avoid emotional detachment.

♍ Virgo Rising – Your 6th house of health and daily routine gets a shake-up. Upgrade your habits for long-term success. Challenge: Over-perfectionism could hold you back.

♎ Libra Rising – Creativity and joy light up your 5th house. This is your season to express yourself. Challenge: Avoid people-pleasing; create for YOU.

♏ Scorpio Rising – Your 4th house of home and family is under the spotlight. Redefine what stability means to you. Challenge: Don’t cling to the past at the expense of growth.

♐ Sagittarius Rising – The 3rd house of communication and ideas gets a boost. Speak your truth and share your insights. Challenge: Slow down enough to listen, too.

♑ Capricorn Rising – Your 2nd house of finances and self-worth is in focus. Set long-term financial goals. Challenge: Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself.

♒ Aquarius Rising – This is YOUR season! The Sun in your 1st house brings a fresh start. Challenge: Stay open to evolving; don’t get stuck in an outdated self-image.

♓ Pisces Rising – Your 12th house of rest and introspection is activated. Take time to recharge and reconnect with your inner world. Challenge: Don’t escape into fantasy - ground your visions.

The Power of Self-Knowledge

The more you understand yourself, the more you can influence your reality. As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Astrology is one of the most powerful tools we have for self-awareness.

If you’d like to explore how Aquarius season is influencing your unique chart and the deeper conversations happening between The Gods, book a reading with me. Together, we’ll uncover the opportunities and challenges ahead so you can navigate them with clarity and purpose.

Building a Relationship with The Gods

When you start noticing the energy of the seasons, you start building a deeper connection with The Gods. Saturn isn’t just a distant figure in the sky; He’s a force shaping your reality, showing you where you need discipline and where you need to let go. Aquarius season is His reminder that structure isn’t the enemy of progress; it’s what makes lasting change possible.

So, as you move through this season, pay attention. What is Aquarius revealing to you? What needs to shift? And how can you harness this energy to step into the future you want to create?

The Gods are always speaking; all you have to do is listen.

Happy Aquarius Season!

May your vision be clear, your mind open, and your future bright.

What makes this Aquarius season special?

Horoscope 21/01/24
Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius at one degree

Last year, just before stepping into Aquarius on January 21st, the Sun met Pluto at the final, breathless moment of Capricorn - the very last degree, the 29th. The Sun and Pluto meet once a year, but this was different. This was the final Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn for over two centuries. A closing chapter; a moment of reckoning.

Now, as we begin Aquarius season, Pluto is reborn in the heart of the Sun, this time in Aquarius, on January 21st. For the first time in our collective history, Pluto is initiated into a new solar cycle in Aquarius, marking the dawn of a new era. One that will unfold over the next two decades.

This is a potent moment. A threshold. A call to set your intentions with clarity and presence. Pay attention to what’s shifting - inside you and around you. The more conscious you are of your own desires and direction, the more influence you have over where you’re heading.

This season, the Sun and Pluto are working together in Aquarius, lighting up the truth of who you are and what you’re here to do. No more hiding. No more shrinking to fit. It’s time to navigate your life with purpose.

From 365 Days of Tao:


Do you know Where you are On your journey?

Tao’s movement has been compared to the flow of rivers. Its vastness has been compared to that of oceans. Some people are content to float here and there with the tide, but for others, such passivity is impossible. We have to navigate.

Like early explorers on the high seas, we know where we want to go. That’s when studying precedence is important. The wisdom of those who went before us is like a map. The truths regarding Tao are like the stars. We determine our goals, and we set out according to what we know and what we learn. The future is always uncertain; that is why it is important to objectively evaluate where we are on our spiritual path.

Some people never know where they are in life, and that is one of the biggest reasons they are unhappy.

Do you know where you are?

Do you know where you want to go?

Now is the time to choose your path with intention. The Sun and Pluto are handing you the map; it's up to you to chart the course.

If you're ready to explore your own terrain with deeper clarity, astrology can be your compass. Your birth chart holds the wisdom of where you've been, where you are, and the possibilities ahead. Working with an astrologer can illuminate your path, helping you move forward with purpose. The future is unwritten - how will you shape it?

If you’re not sure which house Aquarius lands in your chart, I can provide you with a free digital picture of your birth chart. Just get in touch with your details, and I’ll send it to you as soon as I can.

What’s unfolding for you this season will depend on the other conversations happening in the sky and how they interact with your own birth chart. Everyone’s journey through the cosmos is unique.

If you’d like to dive deeper into your chart and explore how Aquarius Season is shaping up for you, or if you want a broader reading on who you are and what your life journey entails - book a one-to-one consultation with me here.

There’s loads of information on my website, including what to expect from a reading with me and the story of my own transformational journey. Take a look, explore, and if you’re curious, let’s start a conversation.

Read about more conversations with The Gods in my blog.

My experience of Aquarius season: A Reflection

'Aquarius season has been a whirlwind of breakthroughs for me. I’ve cracked the code on how to get the best out of AI, which has finally helped me get on top of the blog posts I’ve been meaning to write. My creativity is on fire—I’ve completely redesigned my website, found my unique voice, and have a ton of ideas flowing.

I’ve also connected with Essential Therapies, a beautiful natural health and wellbeing studio in Sidmouth, where I’m now offering in-person readings. The owner has been incredibly supportive, and I’ve joined a thriving community of independent therapists. It’s all starting to come together, and I’m planning ahead—social media sorted, two weeks in advance, with expansion in mind.

But the challenge? I have so many ideas and not enough time to execute them all. I still have the limitations of my day job and my responsibilities as a single mum, which means I have to be strategic with my time and energy. The vision is there; now it’s about pacing myself so I don’t burn out before I bring it all to life.

I feel fired up. Astrology is an Aquarian discipline, after all. As a Libra rising with Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius, this energy is hitting home in a big way. With Pluto crossing my IC, there’s a deep transformation unfolding—I’ve found my purpose, and I’m stepping into it fully.' 🚀♒


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