I believe The Universe speaks to us constantly through what we encounter, what we see and what we think moment to moment. When I see repeating numbers I assume there's a message for me in them and will embark on a quest to find out what that message is. This act of noticing, and then connecting with the inner wisdom, is a skill that can be learned and like everything that's valuable in the journey of self transformation, it takes practice.

Some cautionary words:
The more we focus our attention on repeating numbers, the more we'll attract them into our reality.
Beware the mind: our mind (or ego) wants to keep us happy and comfortable, it's less interested in truth.
It is easy to get obsessed with repeating numbers and their meanings and find the meaning that we most 'want' to be true in the moment. Objectivity is not always easy.
If your reality does not match what you are being 'told' by the numbers you are seeing, ask yourself if you are being honest about what the numbers could mean, or are just feeding a delusion. If seeking meanings is causing you frustration or pain, let go, give yourself a break and stop seeking answers. Trust that the answers you need will come to you in the right time and everything is always perfect. You are exactly where you're meant to be.
Repeating Numbers

So, The Universe has got your attention. This is important:
Everyone is unique.
Everyone’s journey is unique.
And what those numbers mean to you will be unique for you.
When I first began noticing repeating numbers and wanted to understand what they meant for me I came across an amazing resource, created by an incredibly gifted awakened wonder: Joanne Walmsley. I have copied this directly from her site and recommend that you visit it in order to learn and understand more about what the inherent vibrations of numbers are and what they could mean to you (and for you).
ANGEL NUMBERS - What are They?
The phenomena of 'Number Sequences', sometimes known as 'Angel Numbers' is becoming more and more prevalent day by day. Thousands upon thousands of people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, and from every creed and religion, are reporting the phenomena of noticing particular number sequences on clocks, timers, car number plates, billboards, and from all kinds of sources. According to respected authors, therapists and spiritualists around the world, this phenomenon is occurring as a new Spiritual Awareness is taking place and gaining momentum on our planet. As a race, people are evolving on a Spiritual level, with the number sequences being 'messages' from a Higher Source. Your angels (and/or spirit guides) guide you through your thoughts, feelings, words and visions. They also show you ‘signs’ - that is, things that you see repeatedly with your physical eyes. One of the signs is repetitive number sequences.
Angels and those of the spiritual realm do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs that they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination."
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so that you will look up in time to notice the time displayed on the clock, or the phone number on an advertisement or something similar. The angels hope that you will be aware and acknowledge that you are seeing this same sequence of numbers, over and over.
The second way in which the angels show you meaningful number sequences' is by physically arranging for something like a car driving in front of you that has specific number plates, and hope that you realize that you are seeing the number sequence again. They want you to notice, then look into the messages further.
When you notice a particular number sequence recurring for you, ask the angels what they are trying to tell you, and you will find that your angels will give you additional information. Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want.
The great Pythagoras said that everything in the Universe is mathematically precise, and that each number has its own vibration and meaning. The placement of the numbers in a sequence holds special meaning.
Numerology is a sacred science that has maintained its relevance from ancient to modern times. Numbers point out the importance of seeing ‘messages’ three- dimensionally, in order to show us the lessons, growth opportunities and guidance contained with each experience.
As you recognize and interpret the numbers around you, you may feel more connected to the angels. This connection allows the angels to open the door to an incredible connection that brings peace, hope and love.
Number sequence interpretation is an easy way to receive messages from your angels. Numerals are everywhere, from digital clocks to license plates. Each number has a vibrational frequently relating directly to its meaning.
The angels always seek to give us guidance and answers. When they call our attention to number sequences, it is a positive sign of their devotion, love and power. When you notice a number sequence, listen to your angel’s guidance that comes through your feelings, visions and thoughts. The more you notice these signs, the more frequently they will appear in your life. Once you understand the ‘signs’ meanings and accept that they are not mere ‘coincidences’, but important and purposeful events and messages, you will experience a close and clear communication with your angels. You will discover spiritual signs and messages all around you, all the time.
You may also notice number sequences that signify things of personal significance, such as birth dates, anniversaries, telephone numbers etc. In these cases the angels are giving you an even deeper, pertinent and personal message.
The recurrence of number sequences is a subtle and constant reminder that something magical … something Divine is happening. When you see the number sequences (‘Angel Numbers’), acknowledge that the angels are telling you that you are on your true path, and say ‘Thank You’ to them for communicating with you.
The Angel Numbers are messages for us - best we heed them.
The main thing about seeing and acknowledging the repeating number sequences or Angel Numbers is the fact that you are consciously seeing them. At this time, your angels are communicating directly with YOU. The messages are for YOU and they are about YOU and YOUR life ... It is up to YOU to take the time to go within, listen to your intuition and true self, and figure out what the message/s are telling YOU and what they mean to YOU. Only you know what lies within you ...
Your highest guidance is unique for you and you have all of your own answers within you.
Love and Light
Learn more about how to interpret the numbers you are being shown here:
And find her hugely helpful, enormous list, of repeating numbers and their meanings here:
ANGEL NUMBERS - A Guide to Repeating Number Sequences and their Messages and Meanings. All postings by Joanne Walmsley - Sacred Scribes may be used for personal, not-for-profit purposes only. sacredscribes@gmail.com Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes Australia I subscribe exactly to what Joanne says here, "Interpreting your Angel Numbers is a very personal undertaking, and to decipher them accurately you must use your own intuitive abilities. Just as each and every soul has its own unique vibration and energy, so too does the messages and meanings of your recurring number sequences." and recommend you embark on your own amazing and magical journey of learning how to decipher the messages The Universe is giving you so that you can be guided on your journey with faith and confidence in who you are and where you're going.
"The main thing about seeing and acknowledging the repeating number sequences or Angel Numbers is the fact that you are consciously seeing them. At this time, your angels are communicating directly with YOU. The messages are for YOU and they are about YOU and YOUR life... It is up to YOU to take the time to go within, listen to your intuition and true self, and figure out what the message/s are telling YOU and what they mean to YOU. Only you know what lies within you...
Your highest guidance is unique for you and you have all of your own answers within you." Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes Australia
I wish you well on your journey of self discovery and awareness.
For More Twin Flame advice and support please read my other blog posts and Q & A's here.
To read about my perspective of the journey click below:
I am a trained and certified Hellenistic Astrologer as well as a Twin Flame on the journey since 2017. Read more about Twin Flames and my journey here.
I am offering 90 minute astrology consultations as a gift this summer. Book with me here. I have a Twin Flame Journey Reading - learn more here. Donations welcomed and gratefully received. An 60 minute consultation usually costs £100 and includes a simple birth report and a recording of the session. Learn more here.
Note: I am now fully booked to the end of June. Click below image to book.
Client Testimony:
'I have just had an amazing reading with Jenny looking at my birth chart and how it links into my twin flame journey. It was truly fascinating and helped me to understand why certain things have played out in the way they have. The reading really helped me to understand truly that this journey is so outside the realms of our control. There are so many forces at play. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of their twin flame pathway. Thank you so much!' - Sarah, Twin Flame