"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
C.G. Jung
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Before I knew I had a choice; before Pluto's transit through my fourth house.
As they say, shit happens, and I was no different. Shit happened. And it took me long while to realise that, because of the shit that happened, I had been swept into a life, and had engaged in a relationship, that was based upon an image I had of myself that wasn't who I was or the kind of person I would ever have wanted to be. The truth of matter was, I didn't like myself very much, and as a consequence I was most comfortable with those who reminded me, regularly, why that negative self image was justified.
I lived in a reality where my needs and my feelings were bottom of a long list of far more valid and important priorities.
If you'd asked me how I was, I would have smiled brightly and told you I was fine with every confidence that I was. But the truth was, I didn't even know how to ask myself that question, let alone answer it truthfully.
There were moments, occasionally, where I'd get a glimpse into my reality through a different perspective. Moments which were extremely uncomfortable and ultimately far too much to handle let alone to take action on. I'd open my eyes for a moment and then force them shut again so I didn't have to think about the possibility of it ever being any other way. I'd made my bed. And I was lying in it, eyes squeezed tightly shut.
Before Pluto entered my fourth house I put on a good show. I worked hard at ensuring my life looked how I thought it was supposed to look, without paying any attention to how it was supposed to feel. We were the epitome of a happy family. I fooled everyone. Even myself.
When Pluto entered, in January 2008, I was planning a wedding. Binding myself, legally no less, to a life that, in those quiet moments at 3am when there was nothing to distract me from my thoughts, was clearly miserable. I was suffering. But that suffering was so long standing and so normal, that I really had no idea how difficult it was or that there may be any alternative. I had no idea any other life was available to me.

'I felt huge resistance to the wedding and couldn’t find any enthusiasm for planning it.
In the few days before I experienced huge doubt, not helped by the fact that my wedding dress, that I’d had handmade, was hideous and had to be replaced with just a day to go. An ominous sign if ever there was one.
But I was not one for self reflection of any kind at that point. In fact I was a master at denial. I was doing what I thought I should do, what you’re supposed to do when you have a lovely house and children with someone. Of course it was the right thing to do.
I shoved down the nagging feelings that this was not how planning a wedding should feel. And I squashed the thoughts that the relationship wasn’t healthy and I wasn’t happy.
Deep down, in a hidden part of me that only peeked out when watching a romantic film or glimpsing enthusiastic lovers in the park, I longed for a glorious romance. For unbridled passion. For undying love.
But that was for other people. I was fine with what I had and where I was…
Pluto entered my fourth house like a slow rumble of thunder in the distance. A storm was brewing. But at that point it was too quiet to be concerned about.'
Pluto is the underworld. Pluto is what lies beneath. The shadow. And when Pluto touches an area of our life, it wants to force those shadows into the light. It's the volcano: breaking apart our foundations and forcing us to see what's hidden below. We have no choice but to face the things we haven't been willing to see. This sounds brutal, and it is, but while it's brutal it's also kind. We cannot lie to ourselves forever. We must face the truth of what is. We are here to grow and learn and transform. We want change. We want to be better. And we get there through facing our darkness. Through darkness, we find the light. And without the darkness, we will never be able to perceive it.
"Pluto is associated with the principle of elemental power, depth and intensity; with that which compels, empowers, and intensifies whatever it touches, sometimes to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes; with the primordial instincts, libidinal and aggressive, destructive and regenerative, volcanic and cathartic, eliminative, transformative, ever-evolving; with the biological processes of birth, sex and death, the cycle of death and rebirth; with upheaval, breakdown, decay, and fertilisation; violent purgatorial discharge of pent-up energies, purifying fire; situations of life-and-death extremes, power struggles, all that is titanic, potent, and massive.
Pluto represents the underworld and underground in all senses: elemental, geological, instinctual, political, social, sexual, urban, criminal, mythological, demonic. It is the dark, mysterious, taboo, and often terrifying reality that lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath the ego, societal conventions, and the veneer of civilisation, beneath the surface of the Earth, that is periodically unleashed with destructive and transformative force. Pluto impels, burns, consumes, transfigures, resurrects."
From Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas
Pluto's journey through my 4th house.
What does the 4th house represent?
In traditional astrology the fourth house is named The Subterranean Angle for its place at the very bottom of our chart and as such, representing us at our base; our roots, our sense of security, of safety, of home. Being on an angle it is a powerful place and when the Gods wind up here in the birth chart or by transit, they tend to shout.
From Carole Taylor’s, Astrology:
"The 4th house describes both our concept of ‘home’ as a place of retreat and belonging as well as bricks and mortar. It will reflect the role your home fulfils for you, sanctity, security or a place you lay your hat. Here we find an inner centre of gravity, our place of sanctuary. It reveals what we’re like when the front door is closed and we are no longer on show to the world."
'You’d think it would be obvious to a person that they were living a life they would never have chosen for themselves, in a home that looked good from the outside but felt anything but good on the inside. But normal, is normal. And even difficult environments are safe and comfortable in a funny kind of way.
It was only in the quiet moments, 3am whilst my tiny girl slept next to me, her little body tucked up under my arm, that the thoughts crept in. A fantasy: a little house of my own. Just me and the kids. My fantasy was very simple: A peaceful life.
I may have continued that way forever; not questioning whether I was in the right place and how I felt about where I was. But Pluto had other plans.
One day someone asked me how I was and didn’t accept my usual response of, “I’m fine”. In fact, they told me that was bullshit, I wasn’t fine, I was anything but fine. And, for the first time, maybe in my whole life, I wondered if perhaps they were right and asked myself how I really felt.
That storm that was rumbling in the distance? Two years after Pluto entered my fourth house, the lightening started and my foundations started to crack.'
The cold facts:
I had been playing happy families, focused on how I thought home and family should look, and completely disregarding how they should feel, for years. I had always longed for home and family. It is my core drive, my purpose. And now I understand astrology and know that my Sun is in my 4th house of Home and Family, that drive makes perfect sense. Home and family is my focus, it's what lights me up, it's where I am most happy and what I give all my attention to.
When Pluto entered my 4th house in 2008 I was living in my dream house, my forever home, and planning a wedding to the man I thought I'd be with forever. Less than two years later I was divorced and living in a different, much smaller house. My core concepts around Home and Family had changed irrevocably, almost without warning. Everything I had been repressing, burying, hiding in the shadows. Everything I hadn't had the courage to face about me, my relationship, my desires, my needs, had exploded to the surface. The life that had chosen me no longer felt like it fit. In 2010 Pluto lit a fuse, I made a decision, and I blew it all up.
'I remember the feeling; before decisions were made. It felt as if I was at the foot of an enormous, impenetrable, impossible to ascend, rocky mountain. And though I knew there was something beyond the mountain, it was completely obscured by a task that felt so daunting as to be completely impossible.
But somehow I found the courage to begin. I took the first step. In words, and then action. And then, less than a year later, with buckets of tears behind me, I was living in a different house and my situation looked entirely different.
However, despite the change of scenery, the change of circumstances, the misery and the feelings of powerlessness were still the same. I was the same person. I felt the same as I had in my marriage and my home, just the location was different.'
Capricorn, the sign of the mountain, symbolises the towering goals and the structures we build to reach them. Pluto's journey through Capricorn has acted as a cosmic excavation, forcing us to confront what lies beneath the surface of these ambitions - the buried truths of our limitations, constraints, and illusions of power. It has dismantled outdated systems, both externally in society and internally within ourselves, exposing the cracks in the foundations we once deemed solid. For many, like a climber scaling the wrong peak or approaching it from the wrong side, Pluto’s transformative energy has been a call to re-evaluate our trajectories. It asks: Is this the mountain worth climbing? And if so, are you equipped with the right tools and perspective? By tearing down what no longer serves us, Pluto has been guiding us to rebuild with greater authenticity, integrity, and alignment with our true purpose.
Pluto showed me that I was climbing the wrong mountain. Or at least, navigating it from the wrong angle. I was pouring my energy into a situation which didn't meet any of my own needs and it was killing me. I was lost. And it took years to recover from the shock of what had unfolded and find myself again.
So when did it change?
Seven Years later. With another failed relationship under my belt. And the realisation that I would keep attracting the same situation over and over again unless I turned my attention inward and dealt with the events of the past that were perpetuating the suffering - my disregard of self - my self loathing - my lack of esteem that left me too weak to choose something better for myself. I made another decision.
It was time to face my shadows.
It was time to turn my attention towards myself and into what made me what I am, and look at what Pluto had been nudging me to look at since January 2008.
From my account of my journey:
'It begins, late one night, snuggled up with my sleepy three-year-old daughter in front of a movie, in a caravan, in a popular English seaside resort. It begins with these words:
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
It began with some questions:
Have I learned this?
Do I want to learn this?
Now at this time I was fairly recently married to the father of my two children, a six-year-old son and the sleepy three-year-old daughter, so answering the first question with an affirmative should have been easy. However, while I was pretty confident I’d loved, at that point, even in a long-standing relationship, and even though the word ‘love’ was used liberally, I wasn’t certain I’d been loved. At least not so far as I could feel it.
Roll on a year and I am recently divorced and living in a little house, near the seaside, in another popular English resort. Those questions launched me here, but now they, and the desire they sparked, are lost and temporarily forgotten, amidst the stress and intensity of sharing the parenting of two small children, a full-time job, and a house to run all by myself.
Six years on, and with another tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful relationship under my belt, they re-emerged, and this time another level of awareness came with them, inspired in part by The Beatles:
And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.
The End, The Beatles
This time I know that love starts with me. If I want to love, I have to love myself. And if I want to feel loved by anyone else then first, I need to feel my own love.
And that feels like a mission (something my Capricorn Sun loves!). In that moment I had found a new sense of purpose:
I will learn to love myself.
And when (or maybe it should be if), I’m successful, then perhaps I’ll be able to share that love I’ve made, with another.'
At this point in my journey Saturn joined Pluto in my 4th house and opposed my natal Saturn. This transit brought a new challenge and for a while I forgot what I'd decided and what I knew was important. I wandered from the path I'd decided to walk and headed back in a direction I'd walked many times before: I met a man and my feelings for him, and the future I envisioned with him, triggered all my programmed responses. I forgot all about me and turned my attention to him.
I turned my back on myself once again.
From my account of my journey:
'So, I'd made a commitment to myself.
I'd set an intention.
I'd decided to choose me.
To dedicate my time and energy to me.
And to fall in love with me.
And yet all of a sudden I'm faced with this wonder of a man, with this wonder of a feeling, with this potential for something amazing. How do I say no to this? How do I walk away from this?
With some struggle is the honest answer. Every time I thought I'd succeeded in letting go and given myself all my time and attention back, I'd feel drawn, like a moth to a flame, back towards this promise that he'd inspired in me.
Thankfully, though it wasn't always obvious at the time that this was something I should be grateful for, The Universe knew better than I, what was good for me. And every time I got close to losing myself again, this time not to a relationship but to an idea of what I thought this connection was, an intervention would occur and I'd remember, often brutally and with a fair amount of accompanying sobbing, that this was time I'd promised to myself. And I'd get back on the horse and start plodding off along the path I'd so determinedly chosen in September 2017:
I will learn to love myself.
Fortunately, despite the struggles, I now had support on the journey. When this man entered my life, magic entered too and with that magic came some otherwise unknown and undiscovered gifts.
And it was through those gifts that I wound up finding a name for what I was going through. It appeared I wasn't the only one to have been magically awakened through a connection that felt crazy and fated. It was then that I found a sense of community and some instruction; a map of sorts to guide me along the way.
The magical man, gave me a magical book, and it was this book that introduced me to a perception of reality I had long forgotten.

And from the moment I read this first lesson weird things started to happen. What was written in the words seemed to reflect what happened to me during the day. With every day that passed, the world got brighter and more fantastical. By day 32: Ubiquity, after having experienced the exact and perfect experience on each day, that allowed me to fully interpret and understand that day's lesson, and after being launched unconsciously into a water fast (beginning on day 2: 'purification starts all practice') lasting 5 crazy days which were brimming with impossible to explain moments and perspective altering 'coincidences', I was invested and dedicated to a new way of being. I had made a decision.
I had started to learn how to tap into Tao with a commitment to daily self-cultivation as my driver. I'd sharpened senses I didn't know I had and I had learned that the world I thought I knew, was far richer and far more amazing than any magical movie I'd watched or any imaginatively constructed fantasy book I'd read. I'd left Kansas and was on firm ground over the (double) rainbow.
I would learn to connect to my inner self.
I would commit myself to a spiritual practice.
I will make something of myself.
I will transform myself into an instrument to experience the deepest spiritual essence of life.
I'd witnessed the auspicious signs.
I had refined my purpose and found new meaning.
I began again.'

How does Pluto transform?
Pluto speaks to profound, transformative processes that don’t just change what you see but alter your essence. When Pluto is prominent in your chart or making a significant transit, it intensifies your journey, pushing you through cycles of breakdown and renewal, ultimately inviting you to access a deeper level of truth and self-awareness.
1. Transformation and Letting Go
Pluto transits compel you to let go of aspects of yourself that are no longer relevant, meaningful, or authentic. Often, this feels like a “death” of some part of your identity, habits, relationships, or life goals. While it may feel overwhelming, this process ultimately clears space for the emergence of a more empowered, truthful self. This could mean releasing attachments, shedding layers of your ego, or experiencing significant endings. Though it’s often intense, these changes bring you closer to your true power by stripping away what’s not essential.
2. Facing the Shadow
Pluto brings up the shadow side, the hidden, repressed, or unconscious aspects of yourself, including fears, desires, and wounds. These shadow aspects often contain unacknowledged power, potential, and creativity. Facing these parts can be difficult, but it offers you the chance to integrate them into your conscious identity, making you more whole. Through this, you gain a stronger understanding of your inner depths, a critical part of self-empowerment. You may confront buried traumas or hidden motivations, ultimately leading you to understand yourself in ways you never have before.
3. Power and Control
Pluto brings lessons in power, control, and resilience. During significant Pluto transits, you may find yourself dealing with power struggles or feeling an intense need to assert control. These situations encourage you to examine your relationship with power - how you use it, where you give it away, and where you may misuse it. By navigating these dynamics, you’re called to redefine what authentic power means to you, learning to rely on inner strength rather than external validation. You may realise that true empowerment lies in the courage to face your fears and embrace vulnerability.
4. Breaking Down to Rebuild
Pluto breaks down structures and aspects of life that no longer serve your growth. This could show up as a career shift, changes in relationships, or an internal shift in perspective. Pluto is known for its ruthless efficiency in bringing change, so you may feel like your life is being “torn down” to its core. This is part of a greater process of renewal. After the breakdown comes a phase of rebuilding, often guided by a clearer sense of purpose and alignment with your deeper values. You emerge more resilient, with an inner sense of clarity that cannot be easily shaken.
5. Uncovering Purpose and Passion
Pluto digs deep, not content with superficial answers or half-hearted efforts. During significant transits, you may feel a heightened urge to discover what truly matters to you, what drives you at the deepest level. This may prompt a re-evaluation of your life purpose, your career, or your creative passions. Pluto wants you to live with intensity and meaning, pushing you to explore aspects of life that feel vibrant and alive. Your life may take on a renewed sense of depth, and you could be drawn toward pursuits that feel purposeful and transformative.
6. Healing and Empowerment through Crisis
Pluto brings crises that act as catalysts for healing. These experiences can feel like intense, often uncomfortable awakenings. By enduring and embracing these periods, you undergo catharsis, shedding old wounds, and emerging with a newfound strength. This process of “purging” emotional or psychological baggage can lead to profound healing, helping you transcend past limitations and empowering you to move forward with greater resilience and wisdom.
During a Pluto transit, it’s common to experience recurring dreams, powerful emotions, and sometimes physical symptoms that reflect the inner changes underway. You might find yourself drawn to darker or more complex themes in art, books, or conversations, as you resonate with a need to understand life’s mysteries and complexities. Relationships might intensify, and you may notice that people or situations in your life either draw out your deepest strengths or trigger your most sensitive vulnerabilities.
Pluto’s transformations are lasting. They involve fundamental shifts in identity, relationships, career, or self-concept. While it can be unsettling, you will find that after the intensity subsides, you have a new foundation to stand on, one rooted in authenticity, purpose, and power. Pluto doesn’t settle for temporary fixes; it fosters changes that alter the trajectory of your life.
Pluto's transit through my fourth house.
A Pluto transit through the 4th house is one of the most deeply transformative experiences, affecting your foundational sense of identity, security, and emotional roots.
To add to the intensity this transit also involved (in order) an opposition to my natal Saturn, a square with my natal Pluto in the 1st house, conjunctions with my natal Sun and Mercury, and a square to my ascendent. It is no surprise that this period has brought profound, multi-layered changes that have redefined who I am at the deepest level.
As Pluto leaves my fourth house.
When Pluto entered I had a fantasy: a little house of my own. Just me and the kids. My fantasy was very simple: A peaceful life.
As Pluto leaves that fantasy is a reality: I have a little house of my own, I've raised my kids on my own terms and they are both growing into amazing people that I am both regularly impressed and proud of. My house is beautiful and of my own making. I've supported us and kept us well and happy. And me? I know myself. I love myself. I have peace of mind. I know I can face and thrive through challenges that I know are necessary. I am committed to becoming a better version of myself. I trust in my self and my journey. I am comfortable in the now and don't feel pulled into the past or haunted by it, I don't need to know what's ahead. I know the future will take care of itself. I'm happy. I'm at peace.
"Home is a place we all must find, child. It's not just a place where you eat or sleep.
Home is knowing.
Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage.
If we know ourselves, we're always home, anywhere."
Glinda The Good - The Wizard of Oz
I have found my home and I know what home means to me. I am secure and safe in myself. I know who I am at my root. I have created a place of safety and security from which I can launch myself into the world and I have done the best I can to provide the same for my children. I am content with where I am and what I've done over the last 14 years. I am proud of who I have been and who I am becoming.
I have completed a cycle.
And I'm ready for the next one to begin.
As Pluto enters my fifth house.
What does the 5th house represent?
In traditional astrology, the fifth house, known as the "House of Good Fortune" (Agathos Daimon in Greek), is associated with joy, creativity, children, romance, and pleasurable activities. It represents the ways in which blessings and good fortune manifest in one’s life, particularly through endeavours that bring happiness and satisfaction. The house's auspicious name stems from its relationship to the eleventh house ("Good Spirit"), as both are considered houses of beneficence. Additionally, the fifth house is seen as a place where Venus, the planet of pleasure and harmony, thrives. This house highlights experiences that nourish the spirit, promote love and creativity, and allow life to feel bountiful and celebratory.
From Carole Taylor’s, Astrology:
"The 5th house encompasses creativity, play and leisure. Our activities here bring joy and delight, serving to reinforce a sense of being a special and unique individual. Children come under this house, as does romance."
I am excited to see the changes Pluto will bring and how I will be transformed through the themes in this house.
What can I expect?
'A 20-year Pluto transit through the fifth house promises a profound and transformative journey in the areas of creativity, romance, self-expression, and the joys of life. In Pluto's domain, the themes of this house - joy, children, love, and artistic pursuits - will be intensified, deepened, and irrevocably changed. Creative self-expression might evolve into a tool for uncovering hidden truths or grappling with deep psychological material, transforming art, writing, or other creative outlets into acts of catharsis and renewal.
Romantic relationships may become arenas of power dynamics, obsessive intensity, and deep soul connections, often challenging individuals to confront fears of betrayal, vulnerability, or loss. Themes of control and surrender are likely to emerge, especially in matters of love and parenthood. If children are a part of one's life, their experiences or one's role as a parent might undergo significant changes, necessitating resilience, understanding, and acceptance of growth through challenges.
Pluto’s transformative force can strip away superficial joys to reveal deeper, more primal sources of passion and fulfilment, leading to a resurrection of the self in a way that is raw, powerful, and authentically aligned with one's inner core. Ultimately, this transit reshapes how one experiences and expresses joy, leaving behind superficial pleasures to embrace profound and enduring forms of creativity, love, and personal growth.'
Suggestions for Navigating Pluto Transits
Embrace Self-Reflection: Pluto asks for honest introspection. Journaling, therapy, or practices like meditation can help you process the emotions that arise.
Accept the Process of Release: Be open to letting go of what doesn’t serve you. This might include outdated beliefs, old identities, or relationships that no longer align with your growth.
Trust the Rebirth: Even if it feels like things are falling apart, remember that Pluto’s ultimate aim is to renew and empower. What emerges from this process is often a more resilient, wise version of yourself.
Stay Grounded: During intense times, grounding practices like spending time in nature or physical exercise can help you manage the intensity of the energy.
Seek Support: Pluto’s energies are potent and transformative. Sharing your experiences with trusted friends or an astrologer who can give you a new perspective on your journey can offer solace.
Pluto offers you a profound journey of growth through intensity, depth, and resilience. It pushes you to uncover hidden power, face the unknown, and emerge transformed.
Final thoughts
Pluto has a bad rap. If, like me, you regularly peruse the ask astrology pages on Facebook, you'll notice they are filled with fearful questions about what horrors are likely to befall the person asking because Pluto is now transiting one house over another. And with keywords like death, upheaval, breakdown, dark and destructive, who can blame them for feeling afraid? Hell, if I'd learned about Pluto transits before Pluto entered my 4th house and counted the significant aspects Pluto was making to my birth chart, I'd be terrified too! But here's the thing:
Challenge, suffering, cataclysmic sudden change, change that is so extreme it literally breaks you into tiny pieces and feels like death, is a normal part of life. We all suffer devastating losses and feel powerless over what we are dealt, and this isn't just an occasional happening, it happens with alarming regularity. Pluto isn't entering a house in our chart with an intention of bringing volcanic, eliminative, catastrophe to our lives, Pluto isn't here to kill us. Pluto is simply a reflection of those darker aspects of life that we need, possibly even chose if you believe the wise sages that know better than I, that serve to balance with the opposite - growth, creation and renewal that brings hope, joy and evolution. And we have Gods bringing those forces of good into our lives at exactly the same time that Pluto is making His presence felt. Just look to the current location of Jupiter and Venus and see where you are feeling the lighter side of life.
The truth is: we need Pluto. Just as we need Jupiter. Light cannot exist, cannot be felt, cannot be perceived, without the dark.
One important thing I have learned in the last 7 years, as I've intentionally turned my face to my own dark side and faced the difficulties and the demons that drove them. Everything I have experienced was perfect. Every difficult and challenging moment I have had, had meaning and purpose. And everything I experienced brought me to who I am now. If we can find that perspective looking back, can we find it if we look forward?
Yes, significant Pluto transits symbolise destruction but that destruction is necessary for the deep transformation, healing and rebuilding, it forces a rebirth, a new version of ourselves that emerges from the ashes of what was. And that rebirth. That resurrection. That's also Pluto. We can't have one without the other. And, to go back to the words of wise sages, that's why we're here:
Life on Earth is a sacred school for the soul. We choose to incarnate here, embracing the challenges and struggles as opportunities for growth, learning, and spiritual evolution. The hardships we face are seen as purposeful, designed to help us transcend limitations, refine our character, and reconnect with our higher selves, ultimately moving closer to the divine.
Which could give us the perspective that what appears to be a difficult upcoming Pluto transit, is actually a gift. We will be transformed. And that's what we're after.
I can attest to that after the last 14 years. And because I am now transformed, and thanks to Pluto I have found a different perspective, I'm excited for the next 20 and the transformations Pluto will bring me as He transits Venus (my chart ruler) and Jupiter in my 5th house.
Pluto’s destruction isn’t an endpoint but a powerful invitation to engage in the cycles of creation and destruction that shape our existence. The opposite of those devastating losses and overwhelming challenges is the growth, strength, and wisdom that come when we find the courage to rebuild, rise, and transform. It’s a balance that keeps the wheel of life turning.
If we can embrace Pluto's presence in our life journey, if we can see the opportunity within the forces we're subjected to, we can look forward with peace and curiosity rather than resistance and fear. We can't choose what happens to us but we can choose how we respond to it and perceive it.
And that's why I love Pluto.
I'll leave you with another lesson from 365 days of Tao:
Lesson 96: Constancy
Clear sunlight on falling snow: fire and ice.
Bare-boned trees stark to the horizon,
Cold marshes, havens to ducks and geese.
A groundhog sits motionless on a post.
Wherever we are, the constant flow of Tao is ever present. We see the cycle of opposites, such as the juxtaposition of sunlight and snow. We notice the ongoing rhythms of life: waterfowl carrying on their lives even as spring is slow to warm and leafless trees stand in anticipation of warmer weather. All things change, all things move constantly. The world is like the ongoing turning of a magnificent wheel. All things come in their own time.
Just as a groundhog sits motionless in the moving of the seasons, so too should we look within and slowly absorb the time. Within all the movement, the groundhog takes time to be still. Within all the changing of spring, we must take the time to notice the constancy of inner devotion.
No matter how much is going on outside of oneself, one still reaffirms what is in one's heart, taking comfort in the regular pulse. What works in the shelter of home or temple works everywhere. Only when we know such constancy will we know our quest is succeeding.
If you would like to have a chat about your Capricorn Pluto journey and have a look at what might arise for you during Pluto's journey through Aquarius, I have a one hour Pluto reading (£95). Book online with me here.
Find more articles on Pluto in my Astroweather blog