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My Fundamentals

These are the truths that shape me and form the backbone of my practice. You don’t have to share them or believe any of this, but if it helps to know where I stand as you consider working with me, I offer them here.

First and foremost: I don’t know anything.

Certainty is a cage. Not knowing keeps me open. It allows me to stay curious, to keep learning, to be shaped by life rather than trying to control it.

I don’t know if we can change our karma, but I do know that we can change how we relate to it. We can choose to meet it with awareness, understanding, and grace. I believe we chose our paths for a reason, even if that reason is hidden from us.

I believe we live in a benevolent universe.

There is meaning behind everything, even the painful things. Life is not random. It is unfolding with purpose, even when I don’t understand the why.

I know that desire is not a punishment.

The ache of wanting something teaches us who we need to become to receive it.

Pain is not the enemy. It is a guide.

The places that ache the most are often the ones that hold the key to my transformation. I believe in walking through, not around. The gold is always buried in the dark.

Doing the inner work transforms your reality.

As within, so without.

As above, so below.

Your world shifts as you step more into your authenticity, into the truth of who you are beneath the layers of conditioning and programming. When you remember yourself as a divine aspect of The Universe (or God), you activate your power. You begin to take a hand in steering your life rather than feeling at the mercy of it.

Astrology does not tell me who I am.

It reminds me who I am becoming. It gives language to my experience, helping me navigate the seasons of my soul with greater awareness. But I am not bound by my chart, I am in dialogue with it.

This is just a ride.

This reality feels so solid, but if I have lived a million different stories, then I can remember not to grip so tightly. I can take a step back, soften, and breathe. The pain, the joy, the longing, as Mr Hicks said, it’s all part of the ride. When I hold that perspective, I move through life with more grace.

Everything is constantly changing. Everything can change.

I try to be grateful for what is and let go of attachment to what the future should look like. The future is not mine to control. What is in my control is how I equip myself to meet what comes. And the tools I need - resilience, courage, trust - are things I can cultivate within.

I know that miracles are real. That at any moment, everything can shift.

The Universe speaks to me all the time.

If I pay attention, I will see its fingerprints in the smallest moments. Astrology is not abstract - it shows up in broken coffee machines and blocked drains. There is always a deeper story unfolding.

You are whole. You are perfect. You are loved.

Even in moments when you don’t feel it, a part of you always knows. You can tap into that part at any time. You can ask to feel the love within, and if you are open to receiving it, you will feel it. We are never truly alone.

Love is where I came from. Love is where I am going.

And love is what I can choose to embody, right now.

I try to remember that everyone else is me, that I have likely lived lifetimes in every possible role: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. Everyone is doing the best they can with the stories they carry.

If I see cruelty in the world, it is revealing something in me that needs my attention. If I see love, I am witnessing a reflection of myself, too.

So I practice:




And I take ownership of my choices.

Do I blame others?

I want to say no. But I am still human.

I am not here to escape my humanity.

I am here to embrace it. To feel it all. To love even the parts of me that are still learning.

I intend to grow and expand. I strive to become more authentically me every day. I am grateful for this opportunity.



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