Ancient philosophers believed the Earth sat in the centre of an ordered system where seven stars wandered between a plethora of fixed stars and the Earth. These seven celestial bodies were considered divine archetypes, Gods, whose movements, representing divine will, had a direct relationship with the mortals who populated the Earth.
The wandering stars didn't move in regular motion, they went backwards and forwards, north and south across the sky and sometimes disappeared from sight altogether. These "planetary Gods were rollicking about the heavens, travelling to different celestial palaces, engaging in friendly and adversarial relations, and ever negotiating about the fates of the mortals below, whose lives were under their jurisdiction." [excerpt from Demetra George's, Ancient Astrology in theory and practice]
When the Gods appeared in the night sky it was believed they were professing their desires to humanity. The role of the astrologer was to carefully interpret what the Gods were saying and communicate their wishes and intentions to the leaders of the time so they could rule in accordance with divine will.
Science tells us that "retrograde motion is the apparent motion of a planet in a direction opposite to that of other bodies within its system, as observed from a particular vantage point. Ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy (150 AD) believed that the Earth was the centre of the Solar System and therefore used the terms retrograde and prograde (direct motion) to describe the movement of the planets in relation to the stars as they are observed from Earth. Like the Sun, the planets appear to rise in the East and set in the West. When a planet travels eastward in relation to the stars, it is called prograde. When the planet travels westward in relation to the stars (opposite path) it is called retrograde." [Wikipedia]
We now understand that retrograde motion is an illusion. Retrogrades occur when the Earth is passing, or being passed, by other planets. The appearance of retrograde motion happens due to the relative difference in the speed of orbit around the Sun.

Diagram: The Earth (blue) passes a superior planet such as Mars (red), the superior planet will temporarily appear to reverse its motion across the sky. [Wikipedia]
Retrograde, from the Latin 'retrogradus' means going backward.
Astrology stems from ancient teachings whose practitioners saw the world as it is, and learned to interpret it as it is.
We all have a unique perspective. We are all experiencing our own universes and every universe looks a little different. Does what is happening within our wider universe have the capacity to affect us? Can an illusory planetary effect have any bearing on our experience? In order to determine this, to form our own conclusions and make our own judgements, we need to have an expectation of what might happen, of how we may be affected.
If a God appears to be walking backward then how can that be interpreted?
There isn't a great deal of discourse amongst the surviving Hellenistic texts concerning the meaning of the backward motion of the Gods, however most agree that there is a detrimental effect on their power, indicating delays in the manifestation of their will.
Vettius Valens (c.120 CE to c.175 CE), 'the single most important source for studying the Hellenistic tradition, said that when planets are stationing retrograde "they delay expectations, actions, profits and enterprises." When planets are in the retrograde phase they are "weakened", "restrained" or "hindered" giving only "appearances", or "hopes" which he seemed to imply are illusory. When a planet moves direct it "removes the hindrances and restores and leads to the stability and rectification of life".' [Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan]
If we were to contemplate what the meaning could be, based on what we can witness ourselves and how that may be considered symbolically, we may come up with similar significations. We may conclude that as a God slows down and then stops, their will is affected. They may be taking pause to reconsider, or rethink. Something about the direction of forward action is wrong and needs some revision. As they move backwards in motion we may see this as something they need to go back and have another look at. Just as we may pass by something that catches our eye and then return to take a closer look, the God is reversing their trajectory and going back over space they've already travelled through.
Perhaps we too need to take pause and take another look at something? Perhaps we need to tread some old ground in order to refresh our perspective in order to be able to move forward anew?
Retrograde = Revisions and Reversals
13 December 2023 – 1 January 2024 in Sagittarius
1st April 2024 - 25th April 2024 in Aries.
5th August 2024 - 29th August in Virgo and Leo.
In December 2024 Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius.

In order to interpret how this Mercury retrograde may affect our experiences here on Earth, we need to put the symbolism of walking backward within the context of what Mercury represents and has dominion over, and where They are currently residing in the zodiac. The house in which they are situated in your chart will have bearing on the experiences affected and the area of life they are likely to land in.
Pictured is Mercury's Cazimi, the rebirth moment of the cycle when Mercury is in the heart of the Sun. Mercury will continue walking backward until the 29th of August.

Mercury, messenger of the Gods, is the God of thought and communication, our faculties of perception and insight, teaching and learning, commerce, travellers, trickery, and thieves. This retrograde They begin in their own palace of Virgo before going back into The Sun's palace Leo, The Lion.
Virgo is the double-bodied, yin, earth temple of Mercury, representing the domicile and exaltation of this planet, as well as the sign of the Virgin. Despite the light of summer still being dominant, the season begins its transformation in Virgo, ultimately giving way to the dark side of the year as autumn commences. Mercury rules over the transition into darkness and its eventual takeover. Consequently, Virgo is associated with themes such as meticulousness, purity, and preparedness; discrimination, rationality, and judgement; forgiveness, anxiety, and grace; helpfulness, craftiness, and resourcefulness; as well as magic, initiation, youth, and descent. This sign symbolises preparation for judgement, harvest, death, and the descent into the underworld.
Leo, the solid, yang, fire temple of the Sun, is symbolised by the lion. This sign encompasses themes of loyalty, regality, and authority, reflecting its noble and authoritative nature. Leo is also associated with transcendence, eternity, and spirit, highlighting its quest for significance and enduring impact. The sign embodies concepts of legacy, nobility, and fame, striving for recognition and honour. However, Leo also grapples with more challenging traits such as lust, jealousy, tyranny, and arrogance. Ultimately, Leo represents the need for transcendence amid impermanence, decline, and inevitable future loss, seeking to rise above temporal limitations.
What could this retrograde mean for us practically speaking?
Google Mercury retrograde and you will be swamped by thousands of articles, videos and memes telling you to be afraid of the dreaded impact this illusion will have on your life, and be given tips on how to survive the next few weeks. You'll probably learn that you should backup your computer and phone in advance, because Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing computers to crash and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to show signs of wear, requiring urgent repair. You'll be told to avoid making big decisions and avoid signing contracts. More specifically you may be told:
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: When Mercury retrogrades in Virgo, its influence is especially potent due to Virgo being Mercury's domicile and exaltation. This period often brings heightened scrutiny and re-evaluation of details, routines, and systems. Expect disruptions in daily tasks, miscommunications, and errors in documentation. It's a time to reassess health regimes and work habits, ensuring they are effective and beneficial. Analytical thinking might become introspective, leading to overthinking and perfectionist tendencies. While this can create frustration, it also offers an opportunity to identify and correct inefficiencies. Practising patience and being meticulous in reviewing plans and processes can help mitigate potential setbacks.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo: During Mercury retrograde in Leo, issues related to self-expression, creativity, and leadership come to the forefront. Communication can become more dramatic and misunderstandings might arise in contexts where pride and ego are involved. Creative projects may face delays or require revision, and there could be a tendency towards misjudging situations due to overconfidence. This retrograde encourages a re-evaluation of how one projects their identity and talents. It's an ideal time to reconnect with authentic passions and refine personal goals. However, it's important to avoid making impulsive decisions based on vanity or the need for attention. Reflecting on true desires and motivations can lead to more genuine and fulfilling self-expression post-retrograde.
However, Mercury Retrograde periods, despite their reputation for causing disruptions, can be powerful times for introspection, self-work, and inner transformation. Here are some positive ways to use the Mercury retrograde periods in Virgo and Leo:
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from the 5th to the 15th of August:
Refine Daily Routines: Use this time to review and improve your daily habits and routines. Identify what works and what doesn't, and make adjustments to enhance productivity and well-being.
Health and Wellness: Reassess your health regimen. Consider incorporating new practices such as mindfulness, better nutrition, or exercise routines that you've been contemplating.
Organisational Skills: Focus on decluttering and organising your physical and digital spaces. A tidy environment can lead to clearer thinking and reduced stress.
Critical Thinking: Engage in activities that require careful analysis and attention to detail. This is an excellent time for editing work, refining projects, and conducting thorough research.
Self-Compassion: Since Virgo's energy can lean towards perfectionism, practice self-compassion. Recognise your achievements and allow yourself to learn from mistakes without harsh self-criticism.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo from the 15th to the 29th of August:
Creative Reflection: Revisit old creative projects or ideas. This is a great time to refine and breathe new life into them, ensuring they align with your current vision and passion.
Authentic Self-Expression: Reflect on how you express yourself and your identity. Consider if your current methods of self-expression truly represent who you are, and make adjustments to be more authentic.
Reconnect with Joy: Leo governs pleasure and joy. Engage in activities that genuinely make you happy. Reconnect with hobbies or interests that you may have neglected.
Leadership Review: If you hold leadership roles, use this period to reflect on your leadership style. Consider how you can be more effective and inspiring, focusing on collaboration rather than authority.
Boost Confidence: Work on building your self-confidence from within, rather than relying on external validation. This inner work can lead to a more stable and resilient sense of self-worth.
By leveraging the introspective and reflective nature of Mercury retrograde, you can turn potential challenges into opportunities for significant personal growth and transformation.
Your Mercury Retrograde opportunities according to your Rising Sign

Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo from the 5th to the 15th of August and retrograde in Leo from the 15th to the 29th of August.
Aries Rising:
Virgo (6th House): Daily routines and health. Re-evaluate your health and work routines. Improve efficiency and organise your workspace. Focus on self-care and mental well-being.
Leo (5th House): Creative self-expression and joy. Revisit past hobbies and creative projects. Reflect on how you express love and joy. Enhance your relationship with your inner child.
Taurus Rising:
Virgo (5th House): Creative self-expression and joy. Assess your creative projects and how you spend your leisure time. Cultivate hobbies that bring you genuine happiness.
Leo (4th House): Home and family. Reflect on family dynamics and home life. Consider ways to create a more joyful and harmonious living space. Reconnect with family traditions.
Gemini Rising:
Virgo (4th House): Home and family. Organise and declutter your living space. Focus on creating a peaceful home environment. Reflect on family relationships and emotional foundations.
Leo (3rd House): Communication and learning. Revisit communication skills and educational pursuits. Strengthen relationships with siblings and neighbours. Engage in writing or speaking projects.
Cancer Rising:
Virgo (3rd House): Communication and learning. Improve communication techniques. Review and reorganise your learning materials or documents. Engage in thoughtful conversations.
Leo (2nd House): Values and resources. Reassess financial plans and spending habits. Reflect on what you truly value and how it aligns with your self-worth. Strengthen your financial security.
Leo Rising:
Virgo (2nd House): Values and resources. Review your financial habits and resources. Focus on building self-worth and aligning your material possessions with your values.
Leo (1st House): Identity and self-image. Reflect on your personal identity and how you present yourself. Refine your self-expression and embrace your authentic self.
Virgo Rising:
Virgo (1st House): Identity and self-image. Re-evaluate your personal goals and self-image. Focus on self-improvement and personal development. Enhance your daily routines for better well-being.
Leo (12th House): Subconscious and spirituality. Engage in introspective practices like meditation. Reflect on hidden fears or patterns. Embrace spiritual growth and healing.
Libra Rising:
Virgo (12th House): Subconscious and spirituality. Engage in inner healing and spiritual practices. Reflect on past patterns and release what no longer serves you. Prioritise rest and introspection.
Leo (11th House): Friendships and goals. Reflect on your social circles and long-term goals. Reconnect with friends and reassess your aspirations. Engage in group activities that inspire you.
Scorpio Rising:
Virgo (11th House): Friendships and goals. Reassess your social networks and aspirations. Engage in community projects. Focus on collaborative efforts that reflect your ideals.
Leo (10th House): Career and public image. Reflect on your career path and public persona. Re-evaluate your professional goals. Focus on aligning your career with your passions.
Sagittarius Rising:
Virgo (10th House): Career and public image. Review your career strategies and public image. Focus on professional development and organisation. Seek ways to enhance your work-life balance.
Leo (9th House): Beliefs and higher learning. Revisit your philosophical beliefs and educational pursuits. Reflect on personal growth and travel experiences. Expand your horizons.
Capricorn Rising:
Virgo (9th House): Beliefs and higher learning. Reassess your belief systems and educational goals. Focus on intellectual growth and exploration. Engage in meaningful learning experiences.
Leo (8th House): Transformation and shared resources. Reflect on deep emotional and financial partnerships. Embrace transformation and healing. Re-evaluate joint financial matters.
Aquarius Rising:
Virgo (8th House): Transformation and shared resources. Engage in deep self-reflection and transformation. Focus on financial planning and shared resources. Embrace emotional healing.
Leo (7th House): Relationships and partnerships. Reflect on your relationships and partnerships. Reconnect with significant others and enhance communication. Seek balance and harmony.
Pisces Rising:
Virgo (7th House): Relationships and partnerships. Reflect on your partnerships and how you relate to others. Enhance communication and cooperation. Seek harmonious and supportive relationships.
Leo (6th House): Daily routines and health. Re-evaluate your work habits and health routines. Focus on improving efficiency and well-being. Organise your daily schedule.
If you would like to learn more about how Mercury Retrograde might affect you specifically, by looking at the area it falls within your chart, and the relationships it makes with your placements, please get in touch via my contact form or book in with me using my online booking service.