Mars' orbital period is approximately two years, meaning Mars usually spends two month's in each sign.
Greek Ares was the God of Warfare, Bloodlust, and Slaughter. His Roman counterpart Mars however was honoured for his Warrior spirit, Courage, and Military Skill.
'Mars is the energy that spurs us into action and allows us to further our ambitions.' Carole Taylor
'The Mars archetype is behind our biological urges to take action and assert ourselves, to go out and participate in life, gratify our material and sexual needs and protect ourselves during times of threat. It underlies our drives to pursue the things we want, and to actively avoid the things and experiences we don't want. The negative qualities related to Mars, such as aggression, competition and rash actions, present many problems in the spiritual quest, tying up our attention in cycles of hurt and revenge, and delaying the healing process.' Renn Butler
'Mars is the principle of energetic force; the impulse and capacity to assert, to act and move energetically and forcefully, to have an impact, to press forward and against, to defend and offend, to act with sharpness and ardour; the tendency to experience aggressiveness, anger, conflict, harm, violence, forceful physical energy; to be combative, competitive, courageous, vigorous; Ares, the God of war.' Richard Tarnas
Mars key words:
Energetic force
Action and movement
Vigorous pursuit
Competitive spirit

Embodying Mars: The Fire That Moves You
Mars is the fire in your belly; the voice inside that shouts, "Go on then, do it!" when you hesitate at the edge of something new. He’s the force that drives you to stand up for yourself, chase after what you want, and, at times, throw a perfectly good plate against the wall in frustration. Mars is movement, passion, courage, and that inner grit that keeps you pushing forward.
Who Is Mars? The Warrior, The Protector, The Instigator
In Greek mythology, Ares was the God of bloodlust and chaos; war for the sake of war. The Romans, however, saw his counterpart Mars differently. He was a warrior, yes, but one of strategy, discipline, and honour. There’s a lesson in that. Mars energy is raw and untamed, but how we wield it makes all the difference.
Without Mars, we'd never take a risk, never defend our boundaries, never feel that electric spark of desire that compels us towards something, or someone. But left unchecked, he can turn us into a bull in a china shop, charging into battles that don’t need fighting, all because our pride got the better of us.
How Mars Shows Up In You
Mars lives somewhere in your birth chart, whispering (or shouting) in your ear about how you assert yourself, what fires you up, and how you handle conflict. If he were at a party, he’d be the one who decides on a whim that everyone should play a game of high-stakes poker or go streaking through the streets, because why not? He thrives on action.
Where Mars sits in your chart (his zodiac sign and house placement) shapes how you go after what you want. Some people are slow burners, methodical and patient (Mars in Taurus, anyone?), while others are all passion and impulse, jumping in first and asking questions later (looking at you, Aries Mars). Some fight with words, others with sheer persistence. But one thing is certain, when Mars speaks, you feel it in your bones.
My Mars, My Battle
I have Mars in Taurus in the 8th house. To put it simply, that’s a bit like trying to drive a sports car through quicksand. Mars isn't comfortable in Venus' sign. Mars wants to charge ahead, but in Taurus, He’s forced to plod. Slow, steady, relentless. He digs his heels in. Change? No thanks. Action? Maybe later. Assertiveness? Let’s just sit with it for a decade first.
And in the 8th house? That’s the house of where we overlap with others and it's hidden from view, the shadows we don’t want to look at and secrets live there. It’s no surprise that my Mars story is wrapped up in power, control, and deep-rooted wounds around the masculine. My Dad was emotionally unavailable (through no fault of his own) and pretty distant (physically and in terms of fatherly support) when I was a kid. To say I have (maybe had is more accurate now) daddy issues is a bit of an understatement. In searching for the strong, assertive masculine I never had, I spent many years walking straight into the arms of men who controlled, bullied, and, at worst, broke me down entirely.
The truth? When we don’t know how to embody our own Mars energy, we look for it outside of ourselves. And when we do that, we give our power away.
The Conversations Mars Has
Mars doesn’t exist in a vacuum; he’s constantly in conversation with the other Gods in your chart.
Mars & Venus – The dance of attraction. Passion, love, and sometimes, frustration. The push-pull of desire and harmony. Think of the couple who bicker constantly but can’t keep their hands off each other.
Mars & Saturn – The battle between impulse and discipline. Saturn tells Mars to slow down and play the long game, while Mars is already halfway out the door, sword drawn. It’s the classic tale of the wild youth and the wise elder.
Mars & Pluto – Power struggles, deep transformation, and learning to wield your strength wisely. This is the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Mars & Mercury – The sharp tongue. Quick wit, fiery debates, and words as weapons. Ever had an argument where you walked away thinking, “Damn, I should have said that”? That’s Mars and Mercury sparring.
Healing Mars: Finding Balance in the Masculine
For those of us with a difficult Mars placement, the question becomes: How do we heal our wounded masculine? Because make no mistake, Mars isn’t just about war and fire, he is the protector, the initiator, the one who stands up and says, No more. When we make peace with Mars, we learn how to fight for ourselves in a way that is aligned with who we truly are.
For me, it has been a slow journey of learning that strength doesn’t have to be loud, that I don’t need to bulldoze my way through life to be powerful. That boundaries are not the same as walls. That assertiveness is not aggression. That I can own my Mars energy without fear of becoming what once hurt me.
And for you? The key is in your chart.
If Mars feels out of reach, ask yourself where you have given away your power.
If Mars feels too loud, ask yourself where you are fighting battles that don’t need fighting.
If Mars feels like a wrecking ball, ask yourself what is truly worth destroying.
Harnessing Your Mars
So, how do you embody Mars in a way that serves you rather than derails you?
Trust your instincts – Mars is your gut feeling; the pull towards action. Trust it, but don’t let it run the show.
Know your triggers – What sets you off? Where do you get competitive, defensive, or impatient? Awareness is power.
Move your body – Mars needs a physical outlet. If you don’t give him one, he’ll find one, and it might not be pretty.
Be brave in your own way – Courage isn’t just about running into battle; it’s speaking your truth, taking a leap of faith, and showing up for yourself every single day.
Final Thoughts
Mars reminds us that life is meant to be lived with passion. He asks: What sets you on fire? What’s worth fighting for? Understanding your own Mars helps you step into your power, assert yourself with confidence, and chase after what truly matters.
So, where is Mars in your chart, and what is he urging you to do? The battlefield is yours.
Bringing It Back to You
Understanding Mars isn’t just about knowing where he sits in your chart; it’s about recognising how he speaks to you. When I work with clients, I guide them through these conversations with the Gods, helping them hear Mars’ voice in their own life. Is he whispering encouragement? Shouting for attention? Locked in a standoff with another part of you that resists action?
If you’ve ever wondered why you hesitate when you know you should act, why you get fired up in some situations and not others, or why certain conflicts seem to follow you around, Mars has something to say about it. Together, we uncover his message and, more importantly, what you can do with it.
Mars in Taurus in my own chart has taught me the slow burn of patience, the power of endurance, and the hard-won lesson that my strength doesn’t have to look like someone else’s. It took me years to realise that I don’t need to find my power in someone else; it’s always been mine to claim. If you’re feeling lost in your own battles, whether they’re external fights or internal struggles, I can help you navigate them.
In our session, we’ll look at where Mars is in your chart and how he’s influencing your drive, your desires, and your ability to stand in your own power. How does he interact with the other Gods? Is he pushing you forward or holding you back? Once you see him clearly, you’ll start to understand how to work with his energy, rather than against it.
Because when you embody your Mars, life stops feeling like a battlefield and starts feeling like an adventure.
Where Is Your Mars? Understanding Your Drive & Power
Mars has a message for you. He’s the fire in your belly, your gut instinct, your fight, your passion. But how he expresses himself depends entirely on where he’s sitting in your birth chart, both by sign and house. Some people charge ahead, sword in hand; others take a slow, steady route, gathering strength before they act.
Knowing where Mars is in your chart gives you the key to understanding how you assert yourself, where your energy flows, and how you can harness his power to truly step into your own.

Mars Through the Signs
How You Take Action & Assert Yourself
🔥 Mars in Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) – The Trailblazers
Mars is right at home in fire signs - bold, passionate, and ready to jump into action. You don’t overthink; you do. Your energy is fast, fierce, and sometimes a little reckless. When something excites you, you go all in. When you want something, you chase it. If you’re frustrated? Everyone knows about it.
💡 How to harness it: Balance impulse with follow-through. Learn when to pause and consider your next move, rather than burning out in a flash. Use your natural courage to inspire others.
🌍 Mars in Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) – The Builders
Slow and steady wins the race. You don’t rush into things - you strategize. Mars in an earth sign is like a marathon runner, not a sprinter. Once you set your sights on something, you will achieve it, even if it takes years. You have immense endurance and work ethic, but frustration builds when things don’t move fast enough.
💡 How to harness it: Trust your steady approach. Others may move faster, but your success is long-lasting. Just be mindful not to get stuck in overthinking or stubborn resistance to change.
💨 Mars in Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – The Thinkers
Mars in air signs fights with words, ideas, and intellect. Your energy is quick, adaptable, and often restless. Action happens through communication, persuasion, or big-picture thinking. Conflict might come from overanalysing rather than trusting instinct, but you’re brilliant in a debate.
💡 How to harness it: Don’t just talk about what you want to do - do it. Find a balance between mental stimulation and physical action. Learn when to switch from debating mode to decisive action.
🌊 Mars in Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – The Feelers
Mars in water signs fights for what they feel is right. Your drive is deeply emotional, tied to intuition, protection, and passion that simmers under the surface. You might not be outwardly aggressive, but when something (or someone) threatens what you love, you become unstoppable.
💡 How to harness it: Don’t suppress your emotions - channel them into creative or meaningful action. Let yourself feel, but don’t let your emotions dictate every decision. Trust your instincts.
Mars Through the Houses

Where You Direct Your Energy & Face Challenges
🏠 1st House (Self-Image, Identity) – Mars here makes you bold, driven, and always ready for action. You’re a natural leader, but impatience can be an issue. Your challenge is learning when to push forward and when to pause.
💡 Work with it: Own your confidence, but don’t bulldoze others. Channel energy into physical movement - exercise, sports, or anything that gets you moving.
🏠 2nd House (Money, Self-Worth) – Mars here makes you fiercely protective of your resources. You work hard to build financial security, but you might struggle with impulsive spending or stubbornness.
💡 Work with it: Trust in your ability to create stability, but stay open to new ways of earning. Avoid clinging too tightly to comfort zones.
🏠 3rd House (Communication, Learning) – Your words are your weapon. You’re quick-witted, sharp, and never afraid to speak your mind. But sometimes, you react before thinking.
💡 Work with it: Take time before responding in heated conversations. Use your passion for learning, writing, or debating.
🏠 4th House (Home, Family, Roots) – Your home life may have been a battleground, or you might feel protective over your space and loved ones. You’re driven by emotional security.
💡 Work with it: Create a home environment that feels safe and empowering. Learn to express anger in a way that heals rather than harms.
🏠 5th House (Creativity, Passion, Romance) – You bring passion into everything - romance, creativity, fun. You love the thrill of the chase and might be a bit of a flirt.
💡 Work with it: Use your energy to pursue joy, but don’t burn out chasing the next thrill. Dedicate yourself to creative outlets.
🏠 6th House (Work, Routine, Health) – You’re a powerhouse when it comes to work and daily habits. But stress can manifest physically if you don’t allow yourself to slow down.
💡 Work with it: Find healthy ways to release tension - exercise, structure, or mindfulness. Avoid overworking yourself to exhaustion.
🏠 7th House (Relationships, Partnerships) – You attract dynamic, assertive partners - or conflicts. You thrive in passionate relationships but may struggle with compromise.
💡 Work with it: Learn to balance assertiveness with harmony. Recognise when you're projecting your own drive onto others.
🏠 8th House (Sex, Transformation, Power) – Mars here means intensity. Passion, deep emotional bonds, and a need to understand life’s mysteries drive you. You might have experienced power struggles in relationships.
💡 Work with it: Own your inner strength. Don’t fear transformation - embrace it. Learn to trust others without feeling the need to control.
🏠 9th House (Adventure, Beliefs, Expansion) – You thrive on adventure, new ideas, and pushing boundaries. Routine bores you—you need movement, learning, and experience.
💡 Work with it: Find healthy ways to explore—travel, philosophy, or expanding your worldview. Learn patience when things don’t move as fast as you’d like.
🏠 10th House (Career, Public Image) – You’re ambitious, driven, and focused on success. You don’t just want to achieve - you must. But work-life balance is a challenge.
💡 Work with it: Channel your drive into meaningful goals, but don’t let work consume you. Define success on your terms.
🏠 11th House (Community, Future, Dreams) – Your energy is focused on big ideas, social causes, and friendships. You’re a leader in your community, but conflicts may arise in groups.
💡 Work with it: Lead with passion, but listen to others. Collaborate rather than compete. Focus your energy on long-term visions.
🏠 12th House (Spirituality, Subconscious, Healing) – Mars here is hidden. Your drive is more internal than external, and you may struggle with asserting yourself. But you have immense power when you learn to trust your intuition.
💡 Work with it: Explore spiritual or creative outlets for your energy. Learn to express anger rather than suppressing it. Your strength lies in your deep inner world.
Final Thoughts
Mars isn’t just about action - it’s about how you take action, where you direct your energy, and what fuels your fire. Understanding your Mars placement gives you a roadmap to working with your drive, rather than fighting against it.
So - where is your Mars, and what is he asking of you? Let’s talk. I’ll walk you through how he’s speaking to you, and together, we’ll uncover how you can step into your own power. Because when you work with Mars, you don’t just survive - you thrive.