Regardless of the inner knowing and the intensity of feeling, sooner or later the doubt kicks in and we begin to question. Questioning whether this person is actually our twin is a normal part of 'the journey' and an essential piece of the process.
Question: Are they my twin?
Answer: Only you can answer that question.
Question: Can I confirm they are my twin?
Answer: No.
There is no one outside of you, no tool you can use, no test you can take, that can definitively answer this question for you. Your astrology chart won't tell you, their astrology chart won't tell you. You could go to a number of different psychics and if you are unsure within then they will reflect that uncertainty and give you a variety of different answers. A comparison of photos won't reveal the truth. There is no way on earth to give you absolute, rational evidence beyond doubt, to confirm they are your twin.
You can’t even know whether there is such a thing as a twin flame or twin soul. Just like we don’t know what happens when we die, and whether we were before we were born. No one knows anything for certain and if they tell you otherwise then they are suffering from a delusion.

What I wish someone had said to me* when I was caught up in doubt and desperate to know if he is my twin.
Is he my twin?
It doesn’t matter. It’s the wrong question to ask.
What matters is that this individual has entered your life and turned it upside down. This individual is a critical catalyst in your life journey and as such their presence and importance cannot be denied. You have been led to the twin flame journey for a reason. And if you resonate with the twin flame journey then you are on it. So, for now anyway, until you have more information, this individual is your twin.
*in retrospect, my 'twin' did say this to me, though not in words.
What is more helpful to you when you find yourself asking this question is to ask yourself why you need to know.
The right question to ask:
Why do I need to know?
We all crave security in a fragile world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew there was a person out there that is ours? A person that is as much us as we are and loves us unconditionally? A person who was chosen, by God no less, to be our partner? And to know that any feelings of heartbreak and pain associated with this person will end in (divine) time when they come to their senses and realise you were destined to be together all along?
Learning to exist in the place of unknowing: To find peace despite the fact that we don’t know what’s going to happen, to love with our whole heart even if it might all disappear tomorrow, to have faith in ourselves and what we feel despite any evidence to support it, is a large part of what this journey is all about and in fact what any spiritual journey is all about. We have to find faith. Faith in ourselves first and foremost and faith in the universe at large.
We have to trust that we are safe to let go (and let God) and that doing so won’t result in unendurable pain and suffering.
Trust that they have entered your life for a purpose.
Trust that your connection is meaningful and important.
Trust that you have chosen this together on some level and that you are meant to transform through this connection.
Trust that you have everything you need within you to walk this journey to a happy conclusion and that the things which are unclear and confusing now, will make sense in the future.
Trust that the journey, whilst challenging at times, is not meant to be painful and difficult.
Trust that if it feels painful and difficult you can call on the Universe (God, your higher self, your spiritual team, your guides…) for help and support and you will always receive it.
Trust that if you need help with anything all you need to do is ask and you will receive it.
Trust that all the challenges you face have been chosen by you on some level to grow, expand and transform into who you are meant to be.
You are the key to this journey. This journey is all about you. It’s for you.
Give yourself all your focus and you won’t go wrong.
How to give yourself your focus? Where do you start?
The ‘WORK’
As within, so without
Know thyself:
What do you feel?
Where have you been?
What are your stories?
Where do they repeat?
What does your present feel like?
What does your present look like?
Be where you are. Can you accept what is?
What do you want?
What do you think?
What do you believe?
Does that align with what you want?
Intention is everything.
We are all fragmented. We all have multiple parts. We all have multiple personalities.
We must find all our parts so we can unite them.
Intention is everything.
Inner union is the goal.
When we are aligned within, we can create what we want without.
We can steer our own ship.
Our world will show us who we are if we are willing to look.
We are a projector; our inner self is creating the world around us.
Everyone shows us something of ourselves.
The Twin is our clearest mirror.
Through the twin we can learn how to see ourselves.
As we see ourselves clearly, the world will not have to reflect back at us.
We can choose our own path. And interact with others in a pure sense. As ourselves. So they can be themselves.
Higher truths to embody:
We are all an aspect of the universe experiencing itself.
We are all unique and at the same time, all the same.
We are all, all the ‘good’ and all the ‘bad’.
We have all been ‘good’ and we have all been ‘bad’.
In a higher sense there is no ‘good’ and there is no ‘bad’.
Good needs the bad, and bad needs the good. Without the other, neither can exist.
Looking for support?
I am both a certified astrologer and a fully signed up member of the twin flame journey. I met my twin 7 years ago which activated my 'Clairs' (I am Claircognizant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient) and I have been gratefully guided, step by step, through my journey by my team of Angels, Gods, passed on Family members and Intergalactic Beings. Read more of my twin flame story here.
I offer astrology readings and have a twin flame journey reading to assist you in your awareness of who you are and the blocks and challenges that you have chosen to overcome, in respect to your twin, in this lifetime.
I also offer twin flame journey mentorship and will empower you to embrace the journey and unlock your own limitless source of inner wisdom.
My guidance team assists me in all sessions to facilitate the awareness that is needed for my clients to move forward with clarity and peace of mind.