Contrary to popular opinion among the some of the twins frequenting the forums, we all have free will.
If we’re not exercising that free will because we feel entrapped or bound to something or someone, that doesn’t mean we don’t have it. It just means that we don’t realise we have it, and haven’t chosen to exercise it and remove ourselves from our binds.
Yes, the twin flame journey can feel like a bind. We feel indelibly connected to this person and desire only them, no one else can possibly feel the same. And because of these overwhelming feelings that they are the only one for us and who we are destined to be with, it feels like we have no choice but to wait, to suffer alone, to watch our beloved pair up with another.
But what almost everyone fails to remember, is that this is supposed to be a divine journey. A journey to freedom and authenticity and truth. A journey to sovereignty. Rather than questioning whether someone is our twin and what said twin thinks about us, why don’t we ask why God/Goddess (as our divine Mother and Father) would want us trapped/waiting/suffering? What’s divine about that? How is that awakened? How is that in alignment with Universal Will?
We live in a universe governed by the law of attraction. As long as we feel ourselves ‘trapped’ (substitute the word destined or fated if you wish), we will continue to create that reality. We will continue to wait and suffer, while our twin merrily gets on with their lives. Ask yourself seriously. Do you want that? Does that feel divine to you? Is that what you’d choose for yourself?
If the answer is no then maybe the next question is to ask, what can you do about it?
Feeling bound to someone, even if a magical sounding term is applied to it and we talk about destiny and fate, is a form of co-dependency. There’s nothing unconditional about it. It’s a feeling born of our wounds, wounds we’ve gathered in this lifetime and others. It is a prison. Just as real as one with bars and a warden holding a key. What we fail to remember is that we are the warden and we hold the key.
How do we free ourselves from co-dependency? It’s a process. It involved serious and dedicated self work and it takes time and effort. This is why the twin flame journey is not for the faint of heart. It’s not because we’re supposed to sit and wait and forever be in pain, it’s because we have to do the difficult things like face our fears and dive into our shadows. We have to uncover all our early programming and slowly remove ourselves from the chains that imprison us until we are free.
Turn it around for a moment: would you want your twin to be forced into a relationship with you? Could you ever feel truly loved and desired if you knew they had no choice in the matter?
Do you think they want to feel like you were forced? That you didn’t necessarily even want to be with them? That you had no choice? What sort of foundation is that for a divine and conscious relationship? How is that good for anyone?
You have a choice. When you choose to do the work to free yourself from all your programming and heal yourself from all your wounds, when you learn to truly love and respect yourself, you will attract your twin to you. They will choose you because YOU HAVE CHOSEN YOURSELF.
They are you. It’s the most important thing to learn on the journey. If they are not interested in you what does that tell you? Could it be that YOU aren’t interested in you? If they don’t think you’re the best choice for a relationship with them what does that tell you? Do you think YOU ARE worthy of their choice?
You have the choice. You can choose you, and you can choose them. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you have no choice in the matter. If they aren’t someone you would choose for yourself, or you are endlessly waiting and they don’t seem to care or show any signs of reciprocating your perception of the connection, then maybe it’s time to choose something else for yourself?
The universe will support you to do what’s best for you. The universe does not want you imprisoned. The universe wants you free to be your best self and live your best life.

Do you need support with your journey? I have been on the journey for 7 years and am in a good place with it. I can offer guidance and support. I can see where you are blocked and advise you on the self work needed to get you unblocked. Connect with me here.
I am a certified astrologer specialising in transformational journeys. Read more about me and the services I offer here.