A quick note before I begin: We are all on our own unique journeys and we all have our own experiences and our own unique ways of navigating and making sense of the world. What I am about to say is a consolidated and simplified overview of what I have learned and what I have found most helpful to understand to get the best out of myself and my journey, and to walk it with assurance and grace. My experiences will not be yours, and my way of understanding and interpreting the lessons we encounter on the journey may not suit you. This is a concise summary to prompt some thoughts and get you started if you are lost or struggling - what lies behind it is 7 years of dedicated and committed toil, and the teachings expressed here sit atop an enormous amount of learning and research - don't take my word for anything please do your own.
In short, this journey is about you and for you. I recommend you tap into your own inner wisdom and do your own research. My way may not be your way and you know you best. Don't take my word for it.
It is my intention to share what I've learned to help you view the journey from another perspective and to nudge you to get started on the work which will transform you and your world if you embrace it.
I wish you all the best on your journey.
Jenny (Twin Flame)
So You’ve Found Yourself on the Twin Flame Journey… Now What?
You’ve landed smack dab in the middle of the twin flame journey, and let’s be honest, it’s not exactly rainbows and butterflies. In fact, it feels more like a cosmic gut punch. Everything seems harder, heavier, and lonelier. The people you’d usually lean on are either side-eyeing you or outright calling you crazy, and you’re left wondering:
What on Earth did I sign up for?
Here’s the thing: while the journey feels like chaos, it’s also a powerful invitation - a chance to rediscover who you truly are at the deepest level. Before you spiral into despair, remember this:
You are an infinite being of absolute consciousness, here to experience life, grow, and expand. This journey isn’t a punishment - it’s an awakening.
You chose this path, consciously or not, because you are ready. Ready to remember who you are and why you’re here. You wouldn’t be on this ride if you couldn’t handle it.
Love, joy, and ease are already within you. They’re not things you need to chase - they’re a part of you, waiting to be reclaimed.
You hold a wellspring of inner wisdom. No matter how lost you feel, there is a truth within you that you can access at any time.
The universe is on your side. It’s not working against you; it’s guiding you, shaping you, and supporting you. But here’s the key: you have to ask for help.
This journey isn’t about enduring pain - it’s about remembering your power.
Let’s dive deeper into how you can navigate this path with grace and awaken to the love and truth that’s been within you all along.
Learn more about my perspective of the journey and my truth on the matter here.

Side note:
But are they really My Twin?
The Question That Misses the Point.
What I wish someone had said to me when I was drowning in doubt, desperate for validation, and endlessly replaying the question.
“Is he my twin?”
Here’s the truth: it doesn’t matter.
It’s the wrong question to ask.
The more important realisation is this: this person has entered your life and turned it upside down, leaving no stone unturned in your heart and soul. They are a catalyst, a spark, igniting profound transformation within you. Their presence is undeniable, their impact unmistakable.
You’ve been led to the twin flame journey for a reason. If you feel deeply connected to this path - if it resonates with you at your core - then you are on it.
So, for now, until clarity unfolds (and it will), embrace the notion that this individual is your twin. Let their role in your awakening, growth, and healing be your focus. Whether they are or aren’t “the one” in a twin flame sense is less important than the way they’re reshaping your journey - and ultimately, yourself.
Read more on that here.
Okay, back to it.
As Within, So Without: The Core Truth of the Twin Flame Journey
At the heart of the twin flame journey lies a profound and transformative truth:
But what does this really mean?
This ancient axiom, drawn from the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, teaches that the external world is a reflection of our inner world. In essence, the reality we experience "without" is a projection of what exists "within".
Our universe is shaped by the consciousness we hold at our core - our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and energetic state.
You Are Your Universe
Everything you encounter in your life, every interaction and experience, is a mirror of your inner state. The world isn’t something happening to you; it’s happening through you.
When your heart is aligned with love, joy, and peace, you’ll see those qualities reflected back to you in your relationships and circumstances. But when your inner world is steeped in fear, doubt, or unresolved pain, those energies will find their way into your external reality.
The universe is not separate from you - it is a projection of your mind, heart, and soul.
The Universe is Mental
The idea that the universe is mental originates from esoteric teachings such as the Kybalion and the Hermetic Principles. It suggests that all of creation arises from the mind. In this worldview, everything begins with thought.
Your thoughts are energetic seeds that shape the fabric of your reality. Positive, empowered thoughts create a life filled with possibilities, while limiting beliefs and negative patterns can manifest obstacles and pain. This principle resonates deeply with modern ideas of manifestation and the law of attraction: what you focus on expands.
This concept isn’t confined to esoteric texts; it’s echoed in ancient scriptures. Jesus himself speaks to this truth in the Bible, saying, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). Similarly, his teachings on faith, such as “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed… nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20), affirm the creative power of belief and thought.
The Twin Flame Journey and the Mirror Effect
In the twin flame journey, this principle takes on even greater significance. Your twin is a mirror of your soul. Whatever you see in them - whether love, rejection, or fear - is a reflection of what exists within you.
If you notice your twin withdrawing, it may point to places where you’ve withdrawn from yourself.
If they trigger feelings of abandonment, it’s an opportunity to heal the parts of you that feel disconnected from love and security.
This mirroring is not meant to punish but to awaken. It’s a tool for self-discovery, showing you where your thoughts, wounds, and beliefs are creating your experience of reality. As you heal and transform within, your external connection with your twin - and your broader reality - will shift as well.
Esoteric Wisdom Across Cultures
The idea of as within, so without appears across spiritual traditions:
The Hermetic Tradition: The Kybalion states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This reflects the interconnectedness of all things and emphasises that our inner world and outer world are one and the same.
Buddhism: The Buddha taught that the mind is the source of suffering and liberation. By mastering your inner state, you can transform your external experience.
Hinduism: The concept of maya describes the world as an illusion shaped by our perceptions. By aligning with your true self (atman), you transcend illusion and experience unity.
The Bible: Beyond Jesus’ teachings, the Lord’s Prayer reflects this truth: “On earth as it is in heaven.” This points to the harmony between the spiritual and material realms, bridged by our alignment with divine truth.
Creating Your Reality

Before you can create something new or change your current circumstances, you must first understand who you are and why you have created the life you currently experience.
Transformation begins with self-awareness. You cannot chart a new course until you fully grasp where you are and why you are there.
Carl Jung said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." This highlights the importance of bringing your inner patterns, beliefs, and motivations into the light of awareness.
Your reality is a projection of your inner world, and to change it, you must first see it clearly.
Begin with Self-Reflection: Know Thyself
Ask yourself these questions to uncover the truth of where you are:
What do you feel? Identify your emotions and how they shape your experiences.
Where have you been? Reflect on your past and the experiences that have shaped you.
What are your stories? Consider the narratives you tell yourself about who you are and what you deserve.
Where do they repeat? Look for recurring patterns in your life—relationships, behaviors, outcomes.
What does your present feel like? Acknowledge your current emotional and energetic state.
What does your present look like? Take an honest inventory of your external circumstances.
Can you accept what is? Acceptance is not resignation; it is the foundation for change.
Aligning Your Inner and Outer Worlds
Once you have a clear picture of where you are, you can begin to ask deeper questions:
What do you want? Be specific about your desires.
What do you think? Examine your thoughts and whether they support or sabotage your goals.
What do you believe? Identify core beliefs and ask if they align with the reality you want to create.
Your intention is the driving force behind creation. When your inner world is aligned - when your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and desires resonate in harmony - you can begin to create a reality that reflects your authentic self.
Integrating All Parts of Yourself
We are all fragmented, with different aspects of ourselves - some known, some hidden.
These parts can sometimes conflict, pulling us in opposing directions. To create consciously, you must integrate these pieces and unite them into a cohesive whole.
Find and accept all parts of yourself, even those you’ve ignored or rejected.
Cultivate inner union: the alignment of your thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
From this place of inner unity, you gain the clarity and power to consciously create the life you desire.
The Path Forward
When you know yourself, you can steer your ship with intention and purpose. Accept where you are, align your inner world, and set your sights on where you want to go. Your reality will naturally shift to match your inner state.
Self-awareness is the key to unlocking your full potential. By turning your attention inward and embracing all aspects of yourself, you can step into the role of conscious creator, shaping a future that truly reflects your highest self.
And so,
From Separation to Unity
The twin flame journey reveals the illusion of separation - not just from your twin, but from Source itself. The feelings of abandonment and loss you may experience mirror a deeper disconnection from the divine within. By healing your inner world, you remember your oneness with the universe, your twin, and all of creation.
Ultimately, as within, so without isn’t just a principle; it’s a path. It invites you to take radical responsibility for your inner world, knowing that in doing so, you hold the power to transform your outer reality - and your connection with your twin flame - into one of love, joy, and wholeness.
Advice for Those on the Twin Flame Journey
1. Find Your Own Truth
Your journey is yours alone - unique, personal, and unlike anyone else’s.
Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust your own guidance.
While others may share their experiences, their truth may not align with yours. Discover what resonates with you and embrace it as your own.
2. Follow the Process
Understand that this journey unfolds in stages, each one teaching you something valuable about yourself.
Focus on your own growth, not on your twin. They are showing you what you need to see to better understand yourself.
Remember, you only have the power to change yourself. The more curious and open you are to the lessons of this experience, the closer you’ll come to uncovering your true self.
3. Trust That It’s All for You
This journey is not happening to you - it’s happening for you. You chose this path because you knew you were capable of navigating it.
It is designed to help you grow, heal, and transform. It doesn’t have to be painful or overwhelming.
When the road feels uncertain, tap into your inner wisdom. Everything you need to succeed on this journey is already within you. If you ever feel lost, ask yourself for guidance, and trust that you’ll receive it.
The twin flame journey is ultimately a path of self-discovery, self-love, and inner transformation. Embrace it as an opportunity to step into your highest self and live from a place of truth and authenticity.
Give yourself all your focus and you won’t go wrong.

Looking for support?
I am both a certified astrologer and a fully signed up member of the twin flame journey. I met my twin 7 years ago which activated my 'Clairs' (I am Claircognizant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient) and I have been gratefully guided, step by step, through my journey by my team of Angels, Gods, passed on Family members and Intergalactic Beings. Read more of my twin flame story here.
I offer astrology readings and have a twin flame journey reading to assist you in your awareness of who you are and the blocks and challenges that you have chosen to overcome, in respect to your twin, in this lifetime.
I also offer twin flame journey mentorship and will empower you to embrace the journey and unlock your own limitless source of inner wisdom.
My intention in all sessions is to facilitate the awareness that is needed for you to move forward with clarity and peace of mind.