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Does My Twin Think About Me Like I Think About Them?

Two people holding hands in a sunny field. One wears a jean jacket, the other a knitted sweater. Warm, golden light creates a serene mood.

Finding Peace Within the Journey

The question "Does my twin think about me like I think about them?" is always present, especially during periods of separation. In those quiet moments, the connection feels so intense that it's hard to imagine they don’t feel it too. But here's the real question to ask yourself: Why do I need to know?

Take a moment with that. Beneath the surface, what are you truly seeking? Validation? Reassurance? Proof that the connection is real? The twin flame journey is not about looking for external confirmation of love, but rather about deepening your connection with yourself and healing the parts of you that are still searching for love outside of you.

The Mirror Effect—What Are They Showing You?

The twin flame connection isn’t about chasing love or waiting for someone to return. It’s a journey of self-discovery, awakening through the mirror your twin provides. The reflection of their actions—whether they seem distant, indifferent, or have moved on—shows you something about yourself. Are you distant from yourself? Have you abandoned your own needs? Where are you still holding on to love that requires external validation?

The key is not to blame them; it's to recognise what’s being triggered within you. The more you fixate on their thoughts, the more you give away your power. Their thoughts and actions are theirs. Your power lies in how you respond to the reflection they are offering.

Love Exists—With or Without Them

Unconditional love doesn’t depend on a specific outcome. It doesn’t say, “I will love you if you love me back in the way I want.” It simply loves, regardless of the situation. You don’t need proof from the external world to know that love is real. It’s already within you.

Love isn’t transactional. It doesn’t need to be returned in a particular form to be real. It simply is. This mirrors the archetypal story of divine love—love exists even when it feels absent or unseen. Your connection to your twin is no different. It is always present, even if you can't feel it in the moment.

Pain as a Catalyst for Growth

Pain is not punishment. It’s a necessary part of the human experience, a catalyst for deeper understanding. If you find yourself consumed by thoughts of your twin, ask yourself what those feelings are showing you. Where are the wounds that need healing? Can you love yourself, even if they never return?

The real test of this journey is: Can you stand in love, even without needing confirmation from your twin? Can you trust that you are already whole, without needing validation from outside?

You Hold the Power

The twin flame journey is not about waiting or obsessing over whether they are thinking about you. It’s about stepping into your own power. This journey is about you—your growth, your healing. You get to choose how this journey unfolds. You have the power to shift your perspective, to find peace without needing external answers.

What Does It Mean If They Aren’t Thinking About You?

For many, the question of whether their twin thinks about them reflects a deeper fear—fear of being forgotten or unloved. Often, these feelings are tied to wounds from childhood. For me, it’s tied to the belief that I am “out of sight, out of mind,” a belief rooted in my relationship with my father, who was emotionally distant.

When your twin pulls away or is silent, it can feel like a reflection of your own fears. But that’s the key: What is this showing you about your own wounds? The journey is asking you to heal what’s been buried, to stop repeating old patterns, and to bring these unconscious beliefs into the light.

Love Beyond the Illusion

Through the pain of separation, I’ve learned that love doesn’t disappear just because it’s not visible in the way we expect. Love is constant, even when it’s not perceived by our senses. The twin flame journey teaches us that love exists beyond the illusion. It is always there, even when it feels absent.

The Answer Lies Within

So, does your twin think about you as much as you think about them? Maybe. Maybe not. But does it really matter? The real question is: What is this journey teaching you? What wounds are being triggered that need healing?

The answer isn’t outside of you. It’s within. It’s time to stop looking for answers in the external world and start trusting the wisdom that lies inside you.

A white butterfly with brown spots on a beige background. Text reads: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life."

If this resonates with you, and you feel ready to explore your twin flame journey more deeply, I offer mentorship and astrology readings tailored to support you. Sometimes an outside perspective can help you uncover what’s hidden in your blind spots. Reach out if you feel called. Find out more about me here.


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