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Transformation Journey Astrologer: Your intermediary to the Gods

Sacred geometry in flower pattern shape on old paper texture .jpg

"Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life, and you will call it fate."

Do you want to embrace your cosmic blueprint to transform yourself, and the world around you?

Do you want to empower yourself with the cosmic wisdom to reveal the meaning and purpose behind your journey?

Do you want harness the power of astrology to guide you along your way or confirm you're walking the right path?

I'm an Astrologer that specialises in transformation journeys

Let me be your bridge to the wisdom of the Gods. I can offer more than just insights, I can provide a transformative experience that empowers you to navigate your journey with heightened awareness and unshakeable confidence.

We are all here to learn and grow, and become the best version of ourselves.

Who am I?

My name is Jenny Harkman

I've been on a journey for the last seven years. I've travelled deep into the recesses of my self in order to discover who I am without all the programming and walls I've erected to protect myself from pain. I've uncovered the aspects of my self I hid away in order to fit in, and I've found false parts of my self that I realised I no longer needed to hide behind. I learned that I am unique, I am fascinating, I am amazing. I began studying Hellenistic Astrology in 2020 after I learned that Carl Jung used it to get a deeper insight into his clients before he worked with them. I wanted to have that insight for myself and to see the parts of my self that still remained hidden. I now want to share this sacred tool with you to empower you with the truth of who you are and why you're here. You are unique, you are fascinating, you are amazing.

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